Despite their role as enablers of technological progress, data… Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com2024-08-21 15:00:002024-08-19 15:24:23Data center management software is evolving — at last
In the past year, Uptime Intelligence has been asked more questions… Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com2024-07-31 12:00:002024-07-31 10:03:53Generative AI and global power consumption: high, but not that high
Uptime Intelligence regularly addresses IT infrastructure efficiency,… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2024-07-10 15:00:002024-07-09 10:40:07Understanding how server power management works
The European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives approved… Lawrence, Research Associate, Uptime Institute, rlawrence@uptimeinstitute.com Lawrence, Research Associate, Uptime Institute, rlawrence@uptimeinstitute.com2024-06-20 15:00:002024-06-20 09:40:06EU battery regulations: what do the new rules mean?
The colocation and public cloud sectors of the digital infrastructure… Donnellan, Senior Research Associate, Uptime Institute, ddonnellan@uptimeinstitute.com Donnellan, Senior Research Associate, Uptime Institute, ddonnellan@uptimeinstitute.com2024-06-05 15:00:002024-06-03 17:19:21Colocation and public cloud growth masks enterprise expansion
Human error has been — and remains to be — a major cause… Weinschenk, Research Associate, Uptime Institute, rweinschenk@uptimeinstitute.com Weinschenk, Research Associate, Uptime Institute, rweinschenk@uptimeinstitute.com2024-05-22 15:00:002024-05-21 14:17:51Long shifts in data centers — time to reconsider?
Due to regulatory mandates and expanded stakeholder expectations,… Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com2024-05-08 15:00:002024-05-07 10:02:05What does embedded carbon of IT really represent?
A growing number of data center operators and equipment vendors… Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com2024-04-25 15:00:002024-04-24 13:58:20DLC will not come to the rescue of data center sustainability
Rising concerns about cryptocurrency mining energy use have… Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com2024-04-08 15:00:002024-04-08 10:32:51US mandates crypto energy reporting: will data centers be next?
The idea of using liquids to cool IT hardware, exemplified by… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2024-03-20 15:00:002024-03-19 14:24:42Performance expectations of liquid cooling need a reality check
Data center management software is evolving — at last
Generative AI and global power consumption: high, but not that high
Understanding how server power management works
EU battery regulations: what do the new rules mean?
Colocation and public cloud growth masks enterprise expansion
Long shifts in data centers — time to reconsider?
What does embedded carbon of IT really represent?
DLC will not come to the rescue of data center sustainability
US mandates crypto energy reporting: will data centers be next?
Performance expectations of liquid cooling need a reality check