
IT efficiency: an untapped power resource

IT efficiency: an untapped power resource

Projections of data center capacity growth have exploded with…
Grid growth and decarbonization: An unhappy couple

Grid growth and decarbonization: An unhappy couple

The advent of AI training and inference applications, combined…
Water cold plates lead in the small, but growing, world of DLC

Water cold plates lead in the small, but growing, world of DLC

Direct liquid cooling (DLC), including cold plate and immersion…
Managing server performance for power: a missed opportunity

Managing server performance for power: a missed opportunity

An earlier Uptime Intelligence report discussed the characteristics…
Resiliency v low PUE: regulators a catalyst for innovation?

Resiliency v low PUE: regulators a catalyst for innovation?

Research has shown that while data center owners and operators…
Understanding how server power management works

Understanding how server power management works

Uptime Intelligence regularly addresses IT infrastructure efficiency,…
What does embedded carbon of IT really represent?

What does embedded carbon of IT really represent?

Due to regulatory mandates and expanded stakeholder expectations,…
DLC will not come to the rescue of data center sustainability

DLC will not come to the rescue of data center sustainability

A growing number of data center operators and equipment vendors…
US mandates crypto energy reporting: will data centers be next?

US mandates crypto energy reporting: will data centers be next?

Rising concerns about cryptocurrency mining energy use have…
Performance expectations of liquid cooling need a reality check

Performance expectations of liquid cooling need a reality check

The idea of using liquids to cool IT hardware, exemplified by…