Cloud workloads are continuing to grow — sometimes adding… O’Brien, Senior Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jobrien@uptimeinstitute.com O’Brien, Senior Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jobrien@uptimeinstitute.com2024-03-06 15:00:002024-03-05 09:49:08FinOps gives hope to those struggling with cloud costs
Corporate data centers have been the backbone of enterprise… Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com2024-02-21 15:00:002024-02-20 11:34:43The majority of enterprise IT is now off-premises
Uptime Institute calculates an industry average power usage… Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com2024-02-07 15:00:002024-02-09 09:32:16Large data centers are mostly more efficient, analysis confirms
For more than a decade, the data center industry — and the… Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com2024-01-24 15:00:002024-01-24 10:05:58When net-zero goals meet harsh realities
This is the first in a series of reports on artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the data center sector. O’Brien, Senior Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jobrien@uptimeinstitute.com O’Brien, Senior Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jobrien@uptimeinstitute.com2024-01-10 15:00:002024-01-08 11:35:25What role might generative AI play in the data center?
The suitability of a data center environment is primarily judged… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2023-12-13 15:00:002024-01-24 09:18:10Looking for the x-factor in data center efficiency
Regular readers of Uptime Institute’s annual data center survey,… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2023-12-04 15:00:002023-12-01 14:58:53Global PUEs — are they going anywhere?
Over the past 12 months, Uptime Institute Intelligence has been… Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com2023-11-16 15:00:002023-11-15 13:55:30Emerging regulatory requirements: tactics for riding the tsunami
Two persistent trends in data center staffing are in apparent… Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com2023-11-01 12:00:002023-10-31 11:10:50Data centers are short-staffed boys’ clubs
In recent reports, Uptime Institute Intelligence has warned… Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com Lawrence, Executive Director of Research, Uptime Institute, alawrence@uptimeinstitute.com2023-10-18 15:00:002023-10-16 12:07:26Consensus on regulatory goals hides national differences
FinOps gives hope to those struggling with cloud costs
The majority of enterprise IT is now off-premises
Large data centers are mostly more efficient, analysis confirms
When net-zero goals meet harsh realities
What role might generative AI play in the data center?
Looking for the x-factor in data center efficiency
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere?
Emerging regulatory requirements: tactics for riding the tsunami
Data centers are short-staffed boys’ clubs
Consensus on regulatory goals hides national differences