Increasing data center temperatures to reduce energy costs

Periodically we get questions about data center temperatures and energy savings. The questions usually ask about possible energy savings in commercial data centers by raising the temperature of the data hall. Some form of this question surfaces regularly over time because it just seems to be a common sense opportunity. But there is alot to consider before running out and adjusting your “thermostat”.

The most recent question took the form of “I have followed ASHRAE for some years and have increased temperature thresholds in rooms over which I have full control. If there are cost and efficiency gains by accepting higher temperatures, is there talk of marketing this — i.e., segregated/containerized hotter rooms — to colo customers who believe they can take the heat to save on monthly recurring charges? If so, I have not seen it yet.”.

This really is a great question, because it means we are thinking about energy conservation and optimization. At first glance this seems like easy avenue to pursue. In fact many of the IT gear makers are already supporting higher inlet temperatures, some as high as 95-degrees F or more.  Earlier this year, our CTO Chris Brown provided the short answer, “In general, there are cost savings and energy efficiency gains to be realized by increasing supply temperatures in data halls.” and then went on to add that, ‘BUT it is not as simple as it sounds, because alot of factors need to be considered before it’s a ‘slam-dunk'”.

So lets dive into these factors in some more detail:

  1. Increasing the inlet supply temperature often results in increased air flow requirements. Depending on the design of the facility, this may over tax the fans and significant increase their energy consumption if the system is tightly designed around a given air flow. Remember that a non-trivial amount of the energy spent for cooling is consumed by the fan motors themselves, so running fans faster WILL reduce any savings seen with higher temperatures. Using an Energystar report on power consumption of fans, they state that “a reduction of 10% in fan speed reduces that fan’s use of electricity by approximately 25%. A 20% speed reduction yields electrical savings of roughly 45%.” so for this discussion we’d be doing the reverse… Increasing the fan speed with the resulting increase in power draw.
  2. Manufacturers usually warranty their equipment when used within their specified operational conditions, including the range of temperatures at the inlet. And while some manufacturers may have increased those ranges to allow for warmer inlet temperatures, the data hall must be cooled to the LOWEST operating condition specified across all equipment installed in that hall. In other words, your thousand Dell servers may happily support inlets of 85 or 95-degrees, but your Cisco NEXUS sitting at the end of each row may require 80F or less. And the storage appliance may specifiy 78F. Each piece of gear has it’s own allowable environment to be warrantied. And there is no practicle way to separate the various types of gear across different ‘temperature zones’ in a commercial data center even if such zones were available, which they are not.
  3. Most enterprise grade IT gear also includes in-chassis fans, which vary in speed as the inlet temperature goes up. Again, raising the hall temperatures and the inlet temperatures will likely cause all of the in-chassis fans to run much faster, and draw significantly more current. (Which ironicly is great for the old macro PUE calculation, but horrible when considering actual energy usage for cooling). And as Chris pointed out in his response, there is a secondary concern when using in-chassis fans more heavily: “doing so can significantly raise the sizing requirements on UPS systems, because all of that new in-chassis fan power is now considered ‘IT load’ from a design standpoint.” A huge factor to be sure.
  4. The incentive may not exist. Most colocation providers write SLAs (service level agreements) specifying inlet temperatures UP to and including the ASHRAE “Recommended” 80-degrees. (Many still contractually guarantee an inlet of 74F). Chris advises that he has not run across any of those type of client agreements which offer different rates based on willingness to operate in other environmental conditions (i.e. ASHRAE A1 through A4 for instance). This is likely because providers with existing facilities do not have their data hall designed to allow for varying the supply temperature in such granular neighborhoods. Hot/Cold aisels may exist, but the inlet temperatures are not offered on a slide scale pricing schedule. And since not all tenants in any given hall will want an elevated inlet supply air temperature, those operators and their contracts do not provide any variants.
  5. Failure rates of IT gear have not been studied sufficiently at the A3 and above higher temperature ranges. Intel has been studing this question for years and regularly concludes that servers running up through the A2 range (95 degrees F) seem to have typical failure rates. They also state that more study is required to make the same statements around A3 and A4. And then you have the network, storage and security gear from hundrerds of manufacturers that also have the same requirements.
  6. And keep in mind that running a data center above ASHRAE’s “Recommended” levels might limit the number of hours the data center technicians could remain on the IT floor due to local regulatory, health and safety concerns. As cited by OSHA, working conditions between 68 F and 78 F are ideal for the workplace. A number of other health and safety journals (including Healthday) go into more detail about what would be expected if technicians are required to work hotter data centers. Their summary includes higher rates of accidents and more mis-judgments as the temperature increases above 73-degress, with significant concerns for employees working in the conditions identified by ASHRAE’s A3 and A4.

So can higher temperature halls be effective? Absolutely, if they were designed to be higher. If the mechanical design accounted for the hall to be much hotter (gasp: A3 or A4 ?) and if ALL of the IT gear that was to be installed in that hall was purchased and warrantied for that range, then absolutely this works. But few if any halls are built and/or operated that way today, because doing so would severely limit the choice of gear that could be included on the raised floor.

Directionally a great discussion…  it’s just the retrofit of reality discussion that gets awkward…

Infographic: Data Center Industry Staffing Shortage is Getting Worse

Gender Diversity 2018-2020

Data Centers and Thunder, Lightning, Wind and Rain

Data centers are built and sited to withstand all that Mother Nature can throw at them — or at least, is likely to throw at them — during their lifecycle. This has long been a given, practiced and understood by designers, planners and regulators. But climate change is changing everything. Recent weather events have led some governmental agencies to ask how exposed data centers are from climate, such as high winds and lightning.

These are questions data centers throughout the world should consider, as storms and other natural disasters are increasingly frequent and severe. In the last few weeks alone, the world has experienced record-shattering derechos and tropical cyclones, as well as heatwaves and wildfires (both of which can alter wind patterns). Managers must review their data center’s resiliency and disaster recovery plans in the context of the amplifying effects of climate change. As we said in the Uptime Institute report A mission-critical industry unprepared for climate change, these reviews should be conducted regularly and plans updated; the climate is, regrettably, changing rapidly and proving volatile.

Recently, Uptime Institute was asked (via our colleagues at TechUK, a UK membership body for the IT industry) to give our views on three specific issues that might arise as a result of severe storms: staff access during storms, lightning strikes, and standards. Some thoughts on these are below.

The first relates to blocked transport routes — that is, how do data centers manage if staff are unable to get to work? The answer is, most data centers have a plan for this. This is an aspect of Uptime Institute’s Tier Standard: Operational Sustainability program, and it requires preparation and budget. When bad weather is forecast, many data centers either locate personnel at the facility or in hotels nearby. Because one shift cannot leave the site until they are relieved by the next shift, staff may work overtime waiting for the next crew to arrive. All these contingencies must be considered — possibly for extended periods of time. In extremis, of course, it is possible for staff to remain on site, with sleeping accommodation and food. But this is not a practice that is advised except in the most severe situations.

Another question asked after countermeasures against damage from lightning strikes and/or power surges. The answer first lies in local guidance and regulations. All locales are a bit different, but most have some life safety codes that address power surges and lightning. Lightning protection systems are foremost geared to building protection, but other codes cover ways to prevent local lightning strikes from impacting other systems, such as power and communication systems. Typically, data centers will not only meet these codes, but also exceed them in some ways.

There are ways to design the facility to help reduce the risk of the data center itself being affected. A first step is to incorporate a lightning protection system that uses grounded lightning rods or active systems to shunt ion buildup in the immediate atmosphere to ground. This stops the local buildup of a charge that will result in a lightning strike.

Another issue to anticipate is that a lightning strike can occur near the data center and could enter the facility via the power system. Electrical systems are often designed to transfer the energy from a lightning strike to a grounding device. The efficacy of this strategy depends on the proximity of a strike to the service entry. Outdoor communications cables (telecommunications or controls) usually have devices to block increased voltage from entering the facility.

In locations where lightning is prevalent, many facilities circumvent the problem: when a storm is forecast, they transfer to on-site power production and isolate from the outside power system altogether. This underlines the need for on-site power systems; because two utility feeders are installed in relatively close proximity to one another, a single strike could impact both systems. Dual utility feeds cannot provide the absolute isolation that on-site power production can.

A third question asked after standards that cover risks from lightning and/or high winds. Local building codes address this, but such codes are intended to help ensure human life is not put at risk during such events, not that a facility operates through it. Tier Standard: Operational Sustainability addresses this by requiring the site risks from natural events be addressed.

The challenges vary based on location and threat. In the US, Texas Tech University has done research on winds and tornadoes for over 20 years. They have an air cannon that shoots things like wooden boards at buildings to see how they perform. This research is used to help structural engineers learn how to harden structures against high wind and the debris it carries. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has developed guidance on how to prepare for extreme weather events, as have other nations’ governments regarding threats their regions face.

There is one important thing to keep in mind: While people are quite capable of dealing with the typical or even slightly more severe than usual threats in their area, this does not mean a data center will necessarily be able to operate through it. Storms seem to be getting more severe; in August 2020, the US experienced the strongest hurricane (Hurricane Laura) ever to make landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Even when storms diminish after landfall, they can do a lot of (sometimes unpredictable) damage. For example, just three years before Laura, Hurricane Harvey dumped so much rain that 500-year flood planes were inundated. This is not something most prepare for.

In such situations, even if the data center is operational, the telecommunications system may have facilities that are not. In these cases, a data center is ready to operate but can’t communicate with the outside world. And staff’s personal priorities also must be considered: few will report to work when their family’s safety is at risk — a lesson learned in several natural disasters.

Bottom Line: While we should take precautions to help ensure data centers are prepared for the foreseeable, we have to remember that just hardening a data center is not enough; Mother Nature will always show us where we stand in the grand scheme of things.

Will the pandemic accelerate the move to public cloud?

As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, many people have suggested that the business case for enterprises to move more workloads to the public cloud has been strengthened. Some have argued that the pandemic will accelerate the decline of the enterprise data center.

Is this actually the case? And if so, why? This is one of many issues explored in the recently published Uptime Institute report entitled, “Post-pandemic data centers”.

The case for an accelerated move to the public cloud may be summed up in one sentiment: Data centers were difficult enough to run even before the pandemic, and the costs, risks and complexity have all now increased. With the threat of new pandemics in future, it will be easier, even if not cheaper, to move to the cloud.

There is some evidence that many enterprise operators are thinking along these lines — but it is not strong. In a July 2020 Uptime Institute survey of 260 operators, a fifth (19%) said they are likely to accelerate their move to a public cloud or use public cloud services more as a result of the pandemic. Just one in twenty (5%) thought the pandemic would slow their move to a public cloud. (Three-quarters said it would make no difference or that they did not know; see the figure below.)



What lies behind this? There are many reasons why the use of cloud services has or will increase as a result of COVID-19.

First, during the pandemic, many enterprises found they do not have the network infrastructure, or necessarily the applications, to support all their remotely situated staff and all their customer interactions on their networks. As a result, they have rapidly adopted or stepped up their use of cloud and other third-party services. Enterprise use of cloud platform providers (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform) and of software as a service (Salesforce, Zoom, Teams) has significantly increased in the space of a few months.

Second, many operators foresee that the loss of an entire site due to staffing issues is a possibility in the future — and they are planning for this with a range of strategies, including more remote working, greater resiliency and more automation.

The pandemic will also likely increase the use of distributed, active-active-active availability zone approaches. Building and managing the IT infrastructure for this is always challenging and expensive. One of the “easier” ways, for many applications and services, is to make use of existing infrastructure run by cloud providers, their software infrastructure partners, and some colocation companies.

In spite of all this, it would be simplistic to state that the pandemic will trigger a significantly accelerated decline in enterprise data centers or increase in the migration of existing workloads. One of the reasons for cloud adoption, and certainly for the use of software as a service, is to enable relatively easy adoption of new services, such as teleconferencing. Few organizations have, in recent years, contemplated hosting such services in their own data centers.

The role of the pandemic as a catalyst of change, or an accelerator, has to be put in context. There is already a strong disposition among business and organizational leaders to make more use of the cloud. But migration can be a difficult process, involving re-platforming or rewriting applications, changing security and compliance processes, and foregoing corporate control for limited transparency. Uptime Institute’s research shows the balance of workloads shifting gradually, over time, in a cautious fashion.

A further issue: Chief Information Officers are facing cost constraints, with a global slowdown (if not recession) already underway. Cloud adoption usually involves a short-term spending increase, even if costs fall over time (which, depending on scale, they may not).

So, what is the takeaway? Public cloud adoption by enterprise is a strong trend with multiple adoption drivers. The pandemic will add to the rationale but will not make a decisive difference.

>>> Want to know more about this cloud adoption and other essential topics that affect data center and digital infrastructure professionals? Consider joining Uptime Institutre’s community.

Data Centers and Wildfires

As will be discussed in our upcoming note about managing data center with the severe weather caused by climate change, we continue to highlight the need for data center managers to not only review existing emergency plans but also anticipate previously unforeseen challenges. The need to understand the new ‘Normal’

Which brings us to wildfires… For any organization, the health and safety of their workers is the first priority. As we’ve learned through the pandemic, tiered responses and good communication are key to managing unexpected risks. Wildfires, however, present a range of specific challenges to mission-critical facilities. Below we’ll discuss a few key concerns.

The fire itself

To ensure clean, inexpensive electricity, many data centers are sited near hydroelectric power sources. That generally means nearby mountains and forests — areas increasingly at risk of wildfire in an age of climate change.

Road closures and the evacuation of towns in the path of the fire could pose immediate risks to staffing levels: workers may not be able to get to the site or may need to deal with their own emergency situations. Regularly review your contingency plans, and ensure personnel are advised of updates. Stay abreast of construction, road repairs or other impediments that might impact alternate routes. Develop and test notification plans in advance.

There are other risks as well. Wildfires could burn transmission lines, interrupting the flow of power to the facility. Post-fire, burn scar erosion can cause landslides that take out fiber cable — sometimes in multiple areas and in so doing, thwart redundancies. With climate change, the risks extend beyond the imminent, and preparation is key.


There doesn’t need to be a fire for high winds to affect data centers. After the disastrous 2018 Camp Fire in California that killed 86 people, PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) announced a policy of pre-emptively interrupting service to at-risk areas when forecasts indicate conditions may increase the risk of wildfire (e.g., high winds in an already hot, dry environment). These planned outages may continue for a decade, as the utility company upgrades and hardens its systems to deal with the risks more extreme conditions bring.

On-site power generation is one option data center operators might consider as a hedge against uncertain utility power supplies. However, a smooth transition to on-site power is never a given, no matter the amount of preparation. As a result, utility power outages — planned or unplanned — increase the risk of failure for data center operators.

Facility managers need to consider not only their risk from the direct line of fire but also from blown embers. Wind-blown embers can spark dry grasses at fence lines, collect near fuel tanks and even ignite employee vehicles in the parking lot (e.g., a canvas pickup bed cover). Think expansively about the possible risks and mitigation strategies.

Smoke and ash

Facilities many miles away from an active wildfire can be affected by it, potentially for weeks at a time.

All data centers are required to have some form of fresh air supply. This is necessary to replace the carbon dioxide we exhale with oxygen. That means managing the flow of ash and other particulates into the facility via the ventilation system. Beyond that, ash can be transported into the facility on workers’ clothes, maintenance tool kits, equipment and more – even slight movements can cause it to become airborne. All data centers near a wildfire are at some risk from smoke and ash infiltration and should take action to mitigate contamination.

Engine generators — which may well be pressed into service — pose particular concerns. Most have filters on the combustion air intake (and those will likely need to be replaced more often than usual), but there is rarely any filtration on the intake for the engine cooling. Consult with manufacturers to learn more about appropriate remedial measures that do not impact performance or affect warranties.

The fuel storage tanks and the fuel itself also require attention. Almost all diesel tanks are atmospheric types, which means they have vents. These vents allow air into the tanks when fuel is withdrawn and allow a path for air to escape when fuel is added. With the anticipated increased generator operation, the vents will be pulling in more air — which means ash can get into the tanks. Over time the ash will settle to the bottom of the tank but in the short term, it can be picked up by the fuel pumps and clog fuel filters. Longer term, the impact on fuel quality should be assessed.

The cooling system of almost all facilities will be affected in some way. Condenser units for air conditioners, air-cooled chillers, or cooling towers are all susceptible to ash in the air, as it will either contaminate the water in a cooling tower or clog condenser coils. This will result in less cooling capacity, and backup units may be similarly affected. Direct air-cooled data centers need to monitor air quality and adjust their filter maintenance schedules as conditions dictate.

Data center managers experiencing the impact of wildfires should document conditions and actions taken in response, then share lessons learned with others. As in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, knowledge sharing through organizations like the Uptime Institute Network can be invaluable in learning to cope with the new reality of a climate-changed world.

Pandemics: Operators plan to be ready next time

Data center managers, on both the facilities and the IT side of operations, are known for their preparedness. Even so, the pandemic caught most by surprise. Few had an effective pandemic plan in place, and most had to react and adapt on the fly, as best as they could. A small but significant number suffered outages or service brownouts as a result of changed traffic patterns, component shortages and staffing problems.

Operators do not intend to be caught out again. Virtually all (94%) of the respondents to a July 2020 Uptime Institute COVID-19 impact survey said they will improve their pandemic readiness and business continuity planning (see figure below).



Against a background expectation that another pandemic will occur, pandemic awareness and planning have already been added to the business continuity playbook at many organizations, both as an extension to management and operations and to disaster recovery planning.

Some of the procedures and processes that managers expect to have in place in two to three years’ time require changes in technology and strategy and may involve major investments. For example, more are planning to adopt remote monitoring and some automation, and to strengthen resiliency — all of which require investment and planning.

But more routinely, operators expect to clean more regularly, to separate workers into teams, to conduct health screening for visitors, to change air filters more often, and to store more spare parts. These are all part of pandemic awareness and amended processes; they are not short-term measures, but long-term adaptations. Some plan to add emergency accommodation and food storage on-site.

A number of operators also told Uptime Institute they will also enhance their rapid response plans so they will be ready to move to a high alert status at any moment. This will involve immediate implementation of staffing plans, organizing emergency fuel supplies, and changing maintenance processes, for example. To help, they may store personal protective equipment, pay for third-party services, buy reserve cloud capacity, and move to pre-agreed maintenance and management procedures. Staff are likely to be routinely trained in pandemic control and response — an area rarely touched upon before COVID-19.

For more detailed guidance on pandemic preparedness, see our report Pandemic planning and response: A guide for critical infrastructure. The full report Post-pandemic data centers is available to members of the Uptime Institute Network here.