Server Decommissioning as a Discipline: Paul Nally, Barclays
In 2013, Barclays removed 9,124 physical servers from its data centers globally, winning Uptime Institute’s Server Roundup competition for the second year running. This effort is part of a server footprint reduction across the entire company. The organization reaped significant cost benefits, but this project has also reduced risk and complexity, providing Barclays’ internal IT customers better uptime, and positions these teams to get either on to, or ready for, next-generation solutions like cloud.
The direct cost benefit of this effort sells itself, but the lasting legacy of the server reduction program at Barclays will be the benefits of getting off technologies that are holding the business back, and replacing them with IT services that are more future-friendly.
This keynote video from Uptime Institute Symposium 2014 will provide you with a roadmap for starting your own server decommissioning project.