The fourth annual Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey provides an overview of global industry trends by surveying 1,000 data center operators and IT practitioners. Uptime Institute collected responses via email February through April 2014 and presented preliminary results in May 2014 at the 9th Uptime Institute Symposium: Empowering the Data Center Professional. This document provides the full results and analysis.
I. Survey Demographics
Uptime Institute focused its analysis on the end-user survey respondents. The majority of survey participants are data center managers, followed by smaller percentages of IT managers and senior executives. The U.S. and Canada make up a significant portion of the response, with growing numbers of participants from around the globe.
About half of the end-user respondents work for third-party commercial data center companies (colocation or cloud computing providers), and the other half work for enterprises in vertical industries such as financial services (11%), manufacturing (7%), healthcare (4%), government (4%), and other industries (26%).
In various sections throughout this survey, the financial services industry’s responses have been broken out from those of traditional enterprise companies. Across multiple focus areas, the responses of financial services organizations differ significantly from those of other verticals.
Previous annual surveys in 2011, 2012, and 2013 showed that large organizations (defined in this context as companies managing over 5,000 servers) were adopting new technologies, outsourcing less-critical workloads, and pursuing energy efficiency goals much faster than smaller companies.
For 2014, we analyzed the results further and found that the data center maturity gap is not just a matter of size, but also specific to a single industry (banking). This difference is most likely due to the massive investment financial organizations have in IT, especially in relation to their overall cost structures. A financial organization’s efficiency at deploying IT correlates directly to its profitability in a way that may not be as obvious to other companies.
When the response profiles of the financial organizations and the colocation providers are compared, a pattern starts to emerge – both banks and colos run their data center operations as a business.
We will explore the implications of these parallels throughout the survey data.
II. Data center budgets
In each year’s survey, we ask participants to compare their organization’s current spending on data centers (including real estate, infrastructure equipment, staffing, operations, etc.) to the previous year. Every year, the answers to these questions reveal massive growth in the colocation and multi-tenant data center (MTDC) industry compared to enterprise spending.
In 2014, the vast majority of third-party data center respondents (86%) report receiving budget increases, versus 63% of financial firms and just 50% of the other enterprise companies. This gap is similar to the 2013 results: 77% of third-party respondents increased budget, versus just 47% of enterprise companies.
With half of all enterprises reporting stagnant or shrinking data center budgets and colocation operators reporting massive growth, our conclusion is that increasingly, enterprise data center workloads are shifting to third-party providers.
This is not to say that the enterprise data centers are going away any time soon. These organizations will continue to squeeze a return on their investments in enterprise data center assets. The value of a performing, fully or partially depreciated asset cannot be disregarded.
According to surveys from Uptime Institute’s executive programs, nearly every enterprise has chosen to host some percentage of its IT workloads off-premise, in a MTDC, cloud, or other third-party environment. Anecdotal reports to Uptime Institute lead us to believe this to be a fairly recent development (within the last 5 years).
Yet, while nearly every company is deploying off-premise computing, the percentage of workloads hosted in these environments appears to be fairly static as a percentage of overall compute. The figure below represents enterprise organizations’ IT deployment mix today, and projected deployment mix in 2014. This indicates that the growth trends in off-premise computing will continue as overall enterprise IT workloads continue to grow. This finding also indicates that there is no imminent rebound or recoil in the circular trend of outsourcing-insourcing-outsourcing commonly held in IT and other key enterprise functions such as call centers.
This report will delve into the drivers and decision-making challenges for enterprise IT organizations contracting MTDCs and cloud computing in Section IV.
III. IT Efficiency
A special focus in 2014’s survey is an assessment of the behaviors, management strategies, and technologies used to improve IT efficiency.
Over the past several years, Uptime Institute has documented the rise in adoption of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and the meager gains achieved by further pursuing that metric. Based on Uptime Institute’s field experience and feedback from the Uptime Institute Network (a user group of large data center owners and operators) around the world, enterprise IT executives are overly focused on PUE.
The vast majority (72%) of respondents measure PUE. Isolating the responses by job function, a huge percentage of executives (82%) are tracking that metric and reporting it to their corporate management.
PUE is an effective engineering ratio that data center facilities teams use to capture baseline data and track the results of efficiency improvements to mechanical and electrical infrastructure. It is also useful for design teams to compare equipment- or topology-level solutions. But as industry adoption of PUE has expanded, the metric is increasingly being misused as a methodology to cut costs and prove stewardship of corporate and/or environmental resources
In 2007, Uptime Institute surveyed its Network members, and found an average PUE of 2.50. The average PUE improved from 2.50 in 2007 to 1.89 in 2011 in Uptime Institute’s data center industry survey.
From 2011 to today, the average self-reported PUE has only improved from 1.89 to 1.7. The biggest infrastructure efficiency gains happened five years ago, and further improvements will require significant investment and effort, with increasingly diminishing returns.
The figure following represents adoption of various data center cooling approaches to improve efficiency. The low-capital cost approaches have largely been adopted by data center operators. And yet, executives pressure for further reduction in PUE. High-cost efficiency investments in technologies and design approaches may provide negative financial payback and zero improvement of systemic IT efficiency problems.
Many companies’ targets for PUE are far lower than their reported current state. By focusing on PUE, IT executives are spending effort and capital for diminishing returns and continue to ignore the underlying drivers of poor IT utilization.
For example, Uptime Institute estimates of 20% of servers in data centers are obsolete, outdated, or unused. Yet, very few survey respondents believe their server populations include comatose machines. Nearly half of survey respondents have no scheduled auditing to identify and remove unused hardware.
Historically, IT energy efficiency has been driven by data center facilities management. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey (2011-2014), less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets.
This lopsided financial arrangement fosters unaccountable IT growth, inaccurate planning, and waste. This is why 67% of the senior IT executives believe comatose hardware is not a problem.
Uptime Institute launched the Server Roundup contest in October 2011 to raise awareness about the removal and recycling of comatose and obsolete IT equipment and reduce data center energy use. Uptime Institute invited companies around the globe to help address and solve this problem by participating in the Server Roundup, an initiative to promote IT and Facilities integration and improve data center energy efficiency.
In 2 years of participating in Server Roundup, the financial firm Barclays has removed nearly 15,000 servers and saved over US$10M. Server Roundup overwhelmingly proves that disciplined hardware decommissioning can provide a significant financial impact.
Yet despite these huge savings and intangible benefits to the overall IT organization, many firms are not applying the same level of diligence and discipline to a server decommissioning plan, as noted previously.
This is the crux of the data center efficiency challenge ahead—convincing more organizations of the massive return on investment in addressing IT instead of relentlessly pursuing physical infrastructure efficiency.
Organizations need to hold IT operations teams accountable to root out inefficiencies, of which comatose servers are only the most obvious and egregious example.
For nearly a decade, Uptime Institute has recommended enterprise IT executives take a holistic approach to significantly reduce the cost and resource consumption of compute infrastructure. That approach is outlined here.
IV. Enterprise Adoption of Third-Party Data Centers and IT Services
As stated earlier, nearly every enterprise organization is using some combination of in-house IT and off-premise computing. There are a number of drivers for this trend, including the ability to right-size deployments, lower the cost of investment, and getting IT workloads into production quickly.
So far, enterprise organizations have largely been satisfied with their experiences using multi-tenant data center providers. In fact, in this unverified and self-reported survey, the colocation operators report fewer outages than their enterprise counterparts.
Despite many enterprise organizations currently reporting satisfaction with colocation providers, the deployment to off-premise computing has not always been a smooth transition. In Uptime Institute’s experience, many large enterprise organizations historically ran their own data centers, and only recently started deploying into third-party sites at scale. The facilities and corporate real estate teams who are often responsible for managing these companies have limited experience in contract terms, service level agreements, pricing, and other challenges specific to an outsourced IT relationship.
In fact, the decision over whether to outsource an IT workload and where to host it typically comes from the IT department, and not the management team that ultimately holds responsibility for that contract.
The facilities managers and data center engineers are expected to become experts in third-party data center management on the fly—to learn on the job. All the while, the usage of third-party data center providers is rapidly expanding, and very few enterprises have formalized requirements for engaging with the MTDC market. A large percentage cannot track the cost of downtime for their organizations.
The vast majority of enterprise organizations are blasting workloads into off-premise computing environments, but they don’t know where they are going, or what their staff are supposed to do when they get there. Many organizations are making decisions on a very limited selection of criteria and inputs.
Ultimately, this was the primary reason Uptime Institute developed the FORCSS™ Methodology in 2012.
Uptime Institute FORCSS is a means to capture, compare, prioritize, and communicate the benefits, costs, and impacts of multiple IT deployment alternatives. Deployment alternatives may include owned/existing data centers, commercial data centers (wholesale, retail, colocation, managed service), or IaaS (including cloud) that is procured on a scale or limited basis.
FORCSS provides organizations with the flexibility to develop specific responses to varying organizational needs. A case study series will present the process of applying the FORCSS Factors to specific deployment options and present the outcome of the FORCSS Index—a concise structure that can be understood by non-IT executive management.
Enterprise companies are investing less in their own data centers. Instead, they are deploying their IT in off-premise data center environments. This trend goes back through the 4 years Uptime Institute has conducted this survey. This trend is leading to massive spending in the MTDC market. This spending does not show signs of abating.
Although more IT workloads are moving to third-party providers (especially new workloads), the enterprise-owned data center will continue to be responsible for much core IT production for the foreseeable future.
Enterprise organizations are satisfied with the performance of their current MTDC providers, but very few companies have the expertise or processes in place yet to manage or even make the most effective decisions about off-premise computing options.
As noted in previous years, IT efficiency efforts have largely been limited to data center facilities management and design teams. Very little work has been done to address the systemic IT inefficiencies that have plagued the industry for nearly a decade. But as senior executives push for more improvements in efficiency, many will realize they are running out of return on investment; hopefully, they will turn to improving IT utilization.
A large majority (75%) of survey participants said the data center industry needs a new energy efficiency metric.
Additional 2014 survey responses:
i. If your organization has adopted Cold Aisle or Hot Aisle containment, approximately what percentage of your cabinets uses this design?
a. Less than 10% contained: 22%
b. 10-25% contained: 13%
c. 25-50% contained: 12%
d. 50% contained: 7%
e. 50-75% contained: 16%
f. 75-100% contained: 30%
ii. Would your organization consider a data center that did not include the following designs/technologies?
a. Raised floor: 52% yes
b. Mechanical cooling: 24% yes
c. Generator: 8% yes
d. Uninterruptible power supply: 7% yes
iii. Does management receive reports on data center energy costs?
a. Yes: 71%
b. No: 29%
iv. Does management set targets for reducing data center energy costs?
a. Yes: 54%
b. No: 46%
v. How does your organization measure PUE?
a. PUE Category 0: 30%
b. PUE Category 1: 25%
c. PUE Category 2: 19%
d. PUE Category 3: 11%
e. Alternative method: 8%
f. Don’t know: 7%
vi. Does your company report PUE publicly?
a. Yes; 10%
b. No; 90%
vii. Has your organization achieved environmental or sustainability certifications for any of its data centers?
a. Colo/MTDC: 35% yes
b. Financial Services: 46% yes
c. Other Enterprises: 21% yes
viii. Considering your company’s primary multi-tenant or colocation provider, what is the length of the commitment you have made to that provider?
a. Under 2 years
i. Financial Services: 28%
ii. Other Enterprise: 36%
b. 2-3 years
i. Financial Services: 11%
ii. Other Enterprise: 22%
c. 3-5 years
i. Financial Services: 30%
ii. Other Enterprise: 21%
d. Over 5 years
i. Financial Services: 32%
ii. Other Enterprise: 21%
ix. If your organization measures the cost of data center downtime, how do you use that information?
a. Report to management: 88%
b. Rationalize equipment purchases: 51%
c. Rationalize services purchases: 42%
d. Rationalize increased staff or staff training: 39%
e. Rationalize software purchases: 32%
x. Does your organization perform unscheduled drills that simulate data center emergencies?
a. Yes: 44%
b. No: 56%
xi. Considering your organization’s largest enterprise data center, what staffing model is used for facilities staff? a. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 70%
b. Other: 30%
Email Uptime Institute Director of Content and Publications Matt Stansberry with any questions or feedback: [email protected].
This paper provides analysis and commentary of the Uptime Institute survey responses. Uptime Institute makes reasonable efforts to facilitate a survey that is reliable and relevant. All participant responses are assumed to be in good faith. Uptime Institute does not verify or endorse the responses of the participants; any claims to savings or benefits are entirely the representations of the survey participants. Heslin Heslin2014-11-21 14:06:372014-11-25 07:56:392014 Data Center Industry Survey
Striking the appropriate balance between cost and reliability is a business decision that requires metrics
By Dr. Hussein Shehata
This paper focuses on cooling limitations of down-flow computer room air conditioners/air handlers (CRACs/CRAHs) with dedicated heat extraction solutions in high-density data center cooling applications. The paper also explains how higher redundancy can increase total cost of ownership (TCO) while supporting only very light loads and proposes a metric to help balance the requirements of achieving higher capacities and efficient space utilization.
With several vendors proposing passive high-density technologies (e.g., cabinet hot air removal as a total resolution to the challenge of high density), this analysis shows that such solutions are only possible for a select few cabinets in each row and not for full deployments.
The vendors claim that the technologies can remove heat loads exceeding 20 kilowatts (kW) per cabinet, but our study disproves that claim; passive-cooling units cannot extract more heat than the cold air supplied by the CRACs. For the efficient design of a data center, the aim is to increase the number of cabinets and the total IT load, with the minimal necessary supporting cooling infrastructure. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. The relationship between IT and supporting spaces
Passive Hot Air Removal
Data center design continually evolves towards increasing capacity and decreasing spatial volume, increasing energy density. High-end applications and equipment have higher energy density than standard equipment; however, the high-performance models of any technology have historically become the market standard with the passage of time, which in the case of the IT industry is a short period. As an example, every 3 years the world’s fastest supercomputers offer 10 times the performance of the previous generation, a trend that has been documented over the past 20 years.
Cooling high-density data centers is mostly commonly achieved by:
• Hot Air Removal (HAR) via cabinet exhaust ducts—active and passive.
See Figure 2.
Figure 2. HAR via cabinet exhaust ducts (active and passive). Courtesy APC
• Dedicated fan-powered cooling units (i.e., chilled water cabinets).
See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Dedicated fan-powered cooling units
This paper focuses on HAR/CRAC technology using an underfloor air distribution plenum.
High-density data centers require cooling units that are capable of delivering the highest cooling capacity using the smallest possible footprint. The high-powered CRACs in the smallest footprints available from the major manufacturer offer a net sensible cooling capacity of approximately 90 kW but require 3×1-meter (m) (width by depth) footprints. (Appendix C includes the technical specifications for the example CRAC).
Excluding a detailed heat load estimate and air efficiency distribution effectiveness, the variables of CRAC capacity, cabinet quantity, and cabinet capacity may be related in the following formula.
Note: The formula is simplified and focused on IT cooling requirements, excluding other loads such as lighting and solar gains.
CRAC Capacity = Number of IT cabinets x kW/cabinet (1)
Example 1 for N Capacity: If a 90-kW CRAC cools 90 cabinets, the
average cooling delivered per cabinet is 1 kW.
90 kW= 90 cabinets x 1 kW/cabinet (2)
Example 2 for N Capacity: If a 90-kW CRAC cools two cabinets, the
average cooling delivered per cabinet is 45 kW.
90 kW= 2 cabinets x 45 kW/cabinet (3)
The simplified methodology, however, does not provide practical insight into space usage and heat extraction capability. In Example 1, one CRAC would struggle to efficiently deliver air evenly to all 90 cabinets due to the practical constraints of CRAC airflow throw; in most circumstances the cabinets farthest from the CRAC would likely receive less air then the closer cabinets (assuming practical raised-floor heights and minimal obstructions to under floor airflow).
In Example 2, one CRAC would be capable of supplying sufficient cooling to both cabinets; however, the ratio of space utilization of the CRAC, service access space, and airflow throw buffer would result in a high space usage for the infrastructure compared to prime white space (IT cabinets). Other constraints, such as allocating sufficient perforated floor tiles/grills in case of a raised-floor plenum or additional Cold Aisle containment for maximum air distribution effectiveness may lead to extremely large Cold Aisles that again render the data center space utilization inefficient.
Appendix B includes a number of data center layouts generated to illustrate these concepts. The strategic layouts in this study considered maximum (18 m), average (14 m) and minimal (10 m) practical CRAC air throw, with CRACs installed perpendicular to cabinet rows on one and two sides as recommended in ASHRAE TC9.9. The front-to-back airflow cabinets are assumed to be configured to the best practice of Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle arrangement (See Figure 4). Variation in throw resulted in low, medium, and high cabinet count, best defined as high density, average density, and maximum packed (high number of cabinets) for the same data center whitespace area and electrical load (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. CRAC throw area
In the example layouts, CRACs were placed close together, with the minimal 500-millimeter (mm) maintenance space on one side and 1,000 mm on the long side (see Figure 6). Note that each CRAC manufacturer might have different unit clearance requirements. A minimal 2-m buffer between the nearest cabinet and each CRAC unit prevents entrainment of warm air into the cold air plenum. Cold and Hot aisle widths were modeled on approximately 1,000 mm (hot) and 1,200 mm (cold) as recommended in ASHRAE TC9.9 literature.
In the context of this study, CRAC footprint is defined as the area occupied by CRACs (including maintenance and airflow throw buffer); cabinet footprint is defined as the area occupied by cabinets (and their aisles). These two areas have been compared to analyze the use of prime footprint within the data center hall.
Tier level requires each and every power and cooling component and path to fulfill the Tier requirements; in the context of this paper the redundancy configuration reflects the Tier level of CRAC capacity components only, excluding considerations to other subsystems required for the facility’s operation. Tier I would not require redundant components, hence N CRAC units are employed. Tiers II, III, and IV would require redundant CRACs; therefore N+1 and N+2 configurations were also considered.
Figure 6. CRAC maintenance zone
A basic analysis shows that using a CRAC as described above would require a 14-m2 area (including throw buffer), which would generate 25.7 kW of cooling for every 1 m of active CRAC perimeter at N redundancy, 19.3 kW for one-sided N+1 redundancy and two-sided N+2 redundancy, 22.5 kW for two-sided N+1 redundancy, and 12.9 kW for one-sided N+2 redundancy. However, data center halls are not predominantly selected and designed based on perimeter length, but rather on floor area.
The study focused on identifying the area required by CRAC units, compared to that occupied by IT cabinets, and defines it as a ratio. Figure 7 shows Tier I (N) one-sided CRACs in a high-density cabinet configuration. Appendix A includes the other configuration models.
Furthermore, a metric has been derived to help determine the appropriate cabinet footprint at the required Tier level (considering CRAC redundancy only).
Figure 7. Tier 1 (N) one-sided CRACs in a high-density cabinet configuration
Cabinet capacity to footprint factor C2F= kw/cabinet / C2C (4)
Where CRAC to Cabinet factor C2C= CRAC footprint / Cabinet footprint (5)
For multiple layout configurations, the higher the C2F, the more IT capacity can be incorporated into the space. Higher capacity could be established by more cabinets at lower densities or by fewer cabinets at higher densities. However, the C2F is closely linked to the necessary CRAC footprint, which as analyzed in this paper, could be a major limiting factor (see Figure 8).
Figure 8. C2F versus cabinet load (kW) for various CRAC redundancies
The detailed results appear in Appendix B. The variations analyzed included reference CRACs with no redundancy, with one redundant unit, and with two redundant units. For each of the CRAC configurations, three cabinet layouts were considered: maximum packed, average density, and high density).
Results showed that the highest C2F based on the six variations within each of the three redundancy configurations is as follows:
The noteworthy finding is that the highest C2F in all 18-modeled variations was for high-density implementation and at a CRAC-to-cabinet (C2C) area ratio of 0.46 (i.e., CRACs occupy 32% of the entire space) and a cabinet footprint of 2.3 m2 per cabinet. This is supporting evidence that, although high-density cabinets would require more cooling footprint, high density is the most efficient space utilization per kW of IT.
Example 3 illustrates how the highest C2F on a given CRAC redundancy and one- or two-sided layout may be utilized for sizing the footprint and capacity within an average-sized 186-m2 data center hall for a Tier II-IV (N+2, C2F=9.8, C2C=0.5, and cabinet footprint of 2.3 m2) deployment. The space is divided into a net 124-m2 data hall for cabinets, and 62 m2 of space for CRAC units by utilizing the resulting ideal C2C of 0.46.
Example 3: If a net 124-m2 data hall for cabinets and 62 m2 of space for CRAC units is available, the highest achievable capacity would be 4.5 kW/cabinet.
9.8= 4.5 kW/cabinet/59 m2 : 127 m2 (6)
To determine the number of cabinets and CRACs, the CRAC cooling capability will be used rather than the common method of dividing the area by cabinet footprint.
The total area occupied by a CRAC is 14 m2; hence approximately four CRACs would occupy the 59-m2 space. Two CRACs are duty, since N+2 is utilized; therefore, the available capacity would be 90 kW x 2 = 180 kW. The number of cabinets that could then be installed in this 186-m2 total area would be 180/4.5 = 40 cabinets.
The total effective space used by the 40 cabinets is 92 m2 (40 x 2.3 m2 ) that is 72% of the available cabinet dedicated area. This shows that higher redundancy may be resilient but does not fully utilize the space efficiently. This argument highlights the importance of the debate between resilience and space utilization.
Example 4 illustrates how C2F may be utilized for sizing the footprint and capacity within the same data center hall but at a lower redundancy of N+1 configuration.
Example 4: By applying the same methodology, the highest achievable capacity would be 5.2 kW/cabinet.
11.4= (7)
The total area occupied by a CRAC is 14 m2 (including CRAC throw and maintenance); hence approximately four CRACs would occupy 59 m2 of space. Three CRACs would be on duty, since N+1 is utilized; therefore, the available capacity would be 90 kW x 3 = 270 kW. The number of cabinets that could then be installed in this 186-m2 total area would be 270/5.2 = 52 cabinets.
The total effective space used by the 52 cabinets is 120 m2 (52 x 2.3 m2 ), which is 95% of the space. The comparison of Example 3 to Example 4 shows that less redundancy provides more efficient space utilization.
Figure 9. Summary of the results
The analysis shows that taking into consideration the maximum C2F results obtained for each redundancy type and then projecting output on a given average load per cabinet, an example average high-density cabinet of 20 kW would require the CRAC units to occupy double the IT cabinet space in an N+2 configuration, hence lowering the effective use of such prime IT floor space (See Figure 9).
Additional Metrics
Additional metrics for design purposes have been derived from the illustrated graphs and resultant formulae.
The derived formula could be documented as follows:
P=K/L+M-(6.4 x R/S) (8)
P = Cooling per perimeter meter (kW/m)
K = CRAC net sensible capacity (kW)
L = CRAC length (m)
M = CRAC manufacturer side maintenance clearance (m)
R = CRAC redundancy
S = One- or two-sided CRAC layout
Approximately 50% (270 kW/180 kW) more capacity, 30% more cabinets, and 16% higher-cabinet load density could be utilized in the same space with only one redundant CRAC and may still fulfill Tier II-IV component redundancy requirements. This is achievable at no additional investment cost as the same number of CRACs (4) is installed within the same available footprint of 2,000 ft2. The analysis also showed that the highest average practical load per cabinet should not exceed 6 kW if efficient space utilization is sought by maintaining a C2C of 0.46.
This study shows that an average high-density cabinet load may not be cooled efficiently with the use of only CRACs or even with CRACs coupled with passive heat-extraction solutions. The data supports the necessary implementation of row- and cabinet-based active cooling for high-density data center applications.
The first supercomputers used cooling water; however, the low-density data centers that were commissioned closer to a decade ago (below 2 kW per cabinet) almost totally eliminated liquid cooling. This was due to reservations about the risks of water leakage within live, critical data centers.
Data centers of today are considered to be medium-density facilities. Some of these data centers average below 4 kW per cabinet. Owners and operators that have higher demands and are ahead of the average market typically dedicate only a portion of the data center space to high-density cabinets.
With server density increasing every day and high-density cabinets (approaching 40 kW and above) becoming a potential future deployment, data centers seem likely to experience soaring heat loads that will demand comprehensive liquid-cooling infrastructures.
With future high-density requirements, CRAC units may become secondary cooling support or even more drastically, CRAC units may become obsolete!
Appendix A5. Two-sided CRAC, average-throw, medium packed cabinets
Appendix A6. Two-sided CRAC, minimum-throw, high density cabinets
Appendix B
Appendix B1. Tier I (N) CRAC modeling results
Note 1: HD = High Density
Note 2: MP = Max Packed
Note 3: * = CRAC Area includes maintenance and throw buffer
Note 4:^ = 27 m2 area is deducted from total area, as it is already included in the throw buffer
Note 1: HD = High Density
Note 2: MP = Max Packed
Note 3: * = CRAC Area includes maintenance and throw buffer
Note 4: ^ = 27 m2 area is deducted from total area, as it is already included in the throw buffer
Liebert CRAC Technical Specification
Note: Net sensible cooling will be reduced by 7.5 kW x 3 = 22.5 kW for fans; 68.7 kW for Model DH/VH380A
Dr Hussein Shehata, BA, PhD, CEng, PGDip, MASHRAE, MIET, MCIBSE, is the technical director, EMEA, Uptime Institute Professional Services (UIPS). Dr Shehata is a U.K. Chartered Engineer who joined Uptime Institute Professional Services in 2011. He is based in Dubai, serving the EMEA region. From 2008-2011, Hussein was vice president & AsiaPacific DC Engineering, Architecture & Strategy Head at JP Morgan in Japan. Prior to that, he co-founded, managed, and operated as a subject matter expert (SME) at PTS Consulting Japan. He graduated in Architecture, followed by a PhD in HVAC, and a diploma in Higher Education that focused on multi-discipline teaching, with a focus on Engineers and Architects. Heslin Heslin2014-11-11 12:44:382014-11-11 12:44:38Data Center Cooling: CRAC/CRAH redundancy, capacity, and selection metrics
By Olu Soluade, Robin Sloan, Willem Weber, and Philip Young
Figure 1. MTN Centurion Site
MTN’s new data center in Centurion, Johannesburg, South Africa, includes a 500-square-meter (m2) space to support MTN’s existing Pretoria Switch. MTN provides cellular telecommunications services, hosted data space, and operations offices via a network of regional switches. The Centurion Switch data center is a specialist regional center serving a portion of the smallest but most densely populated province of South Africa, Gauteng. The operational Centurion Switch Data Center provides energy efficient and innovative service to the MTN regional network (See Figure 1).
As part of the project, MTN earned Uptime Institute Tier III Design and Facility Certifications and the Carbon Credit application and approval by the Department of Energy-South Africa. Among other measures, MTN even deployed Novec 1230 fire-suppression gas to gain carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). MTN Centurion is the first Uptime Institute Tier III Certified Design and Facility in South Africa. In addition, the facility became the first in South Africa to make use of the Kyoto Wheel to help it achieve its low PUE and energy-efficiency operations goals.
A modular design accommodates the 500-m2 white space and provides auxiliary services and functions to ensure a data center that meets MTN’s standards and specifications.
Space was also allocated for the future installation of:
Radio mast
RF room
Tri-generation plant
Solar systems
Wind banks
Electrical Services
The building is divided into 250 m2 of transmission space and 250 m2 of data space. Both spaces were designed to the following specifications.
Data cabinets at 6 kilowatt (kW)/cabinet
Transmission cabinets at 2.25 kW/cabinet
Maximum 12 cabinets per row
Primary backup power with rotary UPS run on biodiesel
In row dc PDUs (15 kW)
In row ac PDUs (40 kW)
Utility supply from Tshwane (CAI applied and got a connection of 8 mega volt-amperes)
25 percent of all energy consumed to be generated from on site renewable resources
Figure 2. External chiller plant
Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning
A specific client requirement was to build a facility that is completely off grid. As a result the design team conducted extensive research and investigated various types of refrigeration plants to determine which system would be the most efficient and cost effective.
The final technologies for the main areas include (see Figures 2-5):
Air-cooled chillers
Kyoto Wheel in main switch room
Chilled water down-blow air handling units in other rooms
Hot Aisle containment
The design for the data center facility began as a Tier IV facility, but the requirement for autonomous control caused management to target Tier III instead. However, the final plans incorporate many features that might be found in a Fault Tolerant facility.
Tables 1 and 2 describe the facility’s electrical load in great detail.
Green Technologies
Figure 3. Stainless steel cladded chilled water pipework.
The horizontal mounting of the coil of the Kyoto Wheel (See Figure 5 a-b) at MTN Centurion is a one of a kind. The company paid strict attention to installation details and dedicated great effort to the seamless architectural integration of the technology.
MTN chose the Kyoto Wheel (enthalpy wheel) to transfer energy between hot indoor returning air from the data center and outdoor air because the indirect heat exchange between hot return air and cooler outdoor air offers:
Free cooling/heat recovery
Reduced load on major plant
Lower running costs
Low risk of dust transfer
Figure 4. Ducted return air from cabinets in data space
Although the use of an enthalpy wheel in South Africa is rare (MTN Centurion is one of two installations known to the author), Southern African temperature conditions are very well suited to the use of air-side economizers. Nonetheless the technology has not been widely accepted in South Africa because of:
Aversion to technologies untested in the African market
Risk mitigation associated with dust ingress to the data center
Historically low data center operating temperatures (older equipment)
Historically low local energy costs
The tri-generation plant is one of the other green measures for the Centurion Switch. The tri-generation meets the base load of the switch.
Figure 5a. Kyoto Wheel installation
Figure 5b. Kyoto Wheel installation
MTN first employed a tri-generation plant at its head office of about four years ago (see Figures 6-8).
The data center also incorporates low-power, high-efficiency lighting, which is controlled by occupancy sensors and photosensors (see Figure 9).
Design Challenges
Table 1. Phase 1 Building 950 W/data cabinet and 1,950 W/switch rack at 12 cabinets/row 600-kW maximum per floor
MTN Centurion Switch experienced several challenges during design and construction and ultimately applied solutions that can be used on future projects:
The original Kyoto Wheel software was developed for the Northern Hemisphere. For this project, several changes were incorporated into the software for the Southern Hemisphere.
Dust handling in Africa varies from the rest world. Heavy dust requires heavy washable pre-filters and a high carrying capacity in-filtration media.
Table 2. Phase 1 Building SF – 2,050 W/data cabinet at 12 cabinets/row, 800 kW maximum per floor
The design team also identified three steps to encourage further use of airside economizers in South Africa:
Increased education to inform operators about the benefits of higher operating temperatures
Increased publicity to increase awareness of air-side economizers
Better explanations to promote understanding of dust risks and solutions
Many features incorporated in the MTN facility are tried-and-true data center solutions. However, in addition to the enthalpy wheel, MTN employed modularity and distributed PDU technology for the first time in this project.
In addition, the Kyoto Wheel is used throughout HVAC design, but rarely at this scale and in this configuration. The use of this system, in this application, and the addition of the chilled water coils and water spray were the first within the MTN network and the first in South Africa.
MTN tirelessly pursues energy efficiency and innovation in all its data center designs. The MTN Centurion site is the first Tier III Certified Constructed Facility in South Africa and the first for MTN.
The future provision for tri-generation, photovoltaic, and wind installations are all items that promise to increase the sustainability of this facility.
Figure 6. Tri-generation plant room at MTN Head Office
Figure 7. Tri-generation gas engines at MTN Head Office
Figure 8. Tri-generation schematics at MTN Head Office
Figure 10. Data rack installation
Figure 11. Power control panels
Figure 12. External chilled water plant equipment
Olu Soluade started AOS Consulting Engineers in 2008. He holds a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering and a BSc. Hons. degree with Second Class upper in Mechanical Engineering. He is a professional engineer and professional construction project manager with 21 years of experience in the profession.
Robin Sloan is Building Services Manager at AOS Consulting Engineers. He is a mechanical engineer with 7 years of experience In education, healthcare, commercial, residential, retail and transportation building projects. His core competencies include project management, design works of railway infrastructure, education, commercial, and health-care projects from concept through to hand-over, HVAC systems, mechanical and natural ventilation, drainage, pipework services (gas, water and compressed air), control systems, and thermal modelling software.
Willem Weber is Senior Manager: Technical Infrastructure for MTN South Africa, the largest cellular operator in Africa. Mr. Weber was responsible for the initiation and development of the first methane tri-generation plant in South Africa, the first CSP cooling system using the Fresnel technology, the first Tier III Design and Constructed Facility certified by Uptime Institute in South Africa, utilizing the thermal energy wheel technology for cooling and tri-generation.
Philip Young is Building Services Manager at AOS Consulting Engineers and a professional electronic and mechanical engineer registered with ECSA (P Eng) with 10 years experience. Previously he was a project manager & engineer at WSP Group Africa (Pty) Ltd. Mr. Young is involved in design, feasibility studies, multidisciplinary technical and financial evaluations, Building Management Systems, and renewable energy. Heslin Heslin2014-11-07 14:36:182014-11-07 14:36:18Cogeneration powers South Africa’s first Tier III Certified data center
Mordovia Republic-Technopark Mordovia Data Center (Technopark Data Center) is one of the most significant projects in Mordovia (see Figure 1). The facility is a mini-city that includes research organizations, industry facilities, business centers, exhibition centers, schools, a residential village, and service facilities. One of the key parts of the project is a data center intended to provide information, computing, and telecommunication services and resources to residents of Technopark-Mordovia, public authorities, business enterprises of the region, and the country as a whole. The data processing complex will accommodate institutions primarily engaged in software development, as well as companies whose activities are connected with the information environment and the creation of information resources and databases using modern technologies.
Figure 1. Map of Mordovia
The data center offers colocation and hosting services, hardware maintenance, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) through a terminal access via open and secure channels, and access to Groupware software based on a SaaS model. As a result, Technopark Data Center will minimize the residents’ costs to conduct research, manage general construction and design projects, and interact with consumers in the early stages of production through outsourcing of information and telecommunication functions and collective use of expensive software and hardware complexes. Mordovia created and helped fund the project to help enterprises develop and promote innovative products and technologies. About 30 leading science and technology centers cooperate with Technopark-Mordovia, conduct research, and introduce into production new and innovative technologies, products, and materials because of the support of the Technopark Data Center (see Figure 2).
Figures 2 (a-b) Above. Renderings of the Technopark Data Center show both elevated and street-level views.
Why Design Certification?
Technopark Data Center is the largest and most powerful computing center in Mordovia. Its designers understood that the facility would eventually serve many of the government’s most significant social programs. In addition, the data center would also be used to test and run Electronic Government programs, which are currently in development. According to Alexey Romanov, Director of Gosinform, the state operator of Technopark-Mordovia, “Our plan is to attract several groups of developers to become residents. They will use the computing center as a testing ground for developing programs such as Safe City, medical services for citizens, etc. Therefore, we are obliged to provide the doctors with round the clock online access to clinical records, as well as provide the traffic police with the same access level to the management programs of the transport network in the region.”
To meet these requirements, Technoserv followed the provisions of Uptime Institute requirements for engineering infrastructure (Data Center Site Infrastructure Tier Standard: Topology). As a result, all engineering systems are designed to fully meet requirements for Uptime Institute Tier IV Certification of Design Documents for redundancy, physical separation, and maintenance of equipment and distribution lines (see Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3. One-line diagram shows Technopark Data Center’s redundant power paths.
Figure 4. Technopark Data Center’s processing area.
Meeting these requirements enables Mordovia to achieve significant savings, as the Technopark Data Center makes possible an overall data center plan that makes use of lower reliability regional centers. Though not Tier Certified by the Uptime Institute, these regional data centers are built to follow redundant components requirements, which reduces capital costs. Meanwhile, the central data center provides backup in case one of the regional data centers experiences downtime.
The Technopark Data Center is the core of all IT services in Mordovia. The regional data centers are like “access terminals” in this environment, so the government reasoned that it was not necessary to build them to meet high reliability requirements.
The Data Center Specification
The Technopark Data Center is a 1,900-kW facility that can house about 110 racks, with average consumption of 8-9 kW per rack. Power is supplied from four independent sources: two independent feeds from the city’s electricity system and diesel generator sets with 2N redundancy.
Main characteristics:
(See Table 1)
The data center building is a multi-story structure. Servers occupy the first floor: computing resources are placed in three areas, and various types of IT equipment (basic computing, telecommunications, and storage systems) are placed in different rooms. The administrative block and call-center are on the second floor.
Chillers, pumping stations, chilled water storage tanks, and UPS batteries, etc. are located in the basement and technical floors. Transformers and diesel generators are located in a separate area adjoining the data center. Diesel fuel tanks are located in two deepened areas at opposite sides of the building.
The data center design includes several energy-saving technologies, which enables the facility to be very energy efficient by Russian standards (PUE <1.45). For example, the cooling system includes a free-cooling mode, and all power and cooling equipment operate in modes intended to provide maximum efficiency. Other energy efficiency details include:
Computing equipment is installed in a Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle configuration, with containment of the Hot Aisles. In-row cooling further improves energy efficiency.
The cooling system utilizes efficient chillers with screw compressors and water-cooled condensers. The dry cooling towers installed on the roof refrigerate the condensers of the chillers in the summer. In the winter, these cooling towers help provide free cooling. Calculations for the design of the cooling system and air conditioning were performed according to ASHRAE standards.
All elements of the engineered systems, as well as the systems themselves, are integrated into a single BMS. This BMS controls all the necessary functions of the equipment and interconnected subsystems and quickly localizes faults and limits the consequences of emergencies. Technoserv utilizes a distributed architecture in which each component has a dedicated controller that feeds information back to a single BMS. If the BMS servers fail, the individual controllers maintain autonomous control of the facility.The BMS also collects and processes exhaustive amounts of information about equipment, issues reports, and archives data. A control room is provided at the facility for operators, where they can monitor the operation of all elements of the engineering infrastructure.
Table 1. The Technopark Data Center is designed to be Fault Tolerant. Plans are being made to begin the Tier Certification for Constructed Facility.
From a security standpoint, the data center is organized into three access levels:
Green areas provide open admission for users and to the showroom.
Blue areas are restricted to Technopark Data Center residents performing their own IT projects.
Red areas are open only to data center staff.
Three independent fiberoptic lines, each having a capacity of 10 Gbits per second, ensure uninterrupted and high capacity data transmission to users of Technopark Data Center’s network infrastructure. Russia’s key backbone operators (Rostelecom, Transtelekom, and Megaphone) were selected as Technopark Data Center’s telecom partners because of their well-connected and powerful infrastructure in Russia.
The data center also includes a monitoring and dispatching system. The system is based on three software products: EMC Ionix (monitoring the availability of all components of the IT infrastructure), EMC APG (accumulation of statistics and performance analysis), VMware vCenter Operations Enterprise (intelligent performance monitoring and capacity of objects the virtual environments VMware), and integration modules specially designed by Technoserv.
Figure 5. Inside a data hall.
As noted previously, the data center was designed to achieve the highest levels of reliability. There are some data centers in Russia that perform critical national tasks, but none of those facilities require the highest levels of reliability. This reality made the task seem more daunting to everyone who worked on it. Technoserv had to do something that had never been done in Russia and do so in a limited time. Technoserv managed to accomplish this feat in less than two years.
During the Uptime Institute’s Design Certification process, Technoserv stayed in close contact with Uptime Institute subject matter experts. As a result, Technoserv was able to develop solutions as problems emerged. The company is also proud of the qualifications of Technoserv specialists, who have extensive experience in designing and building data centers and who provided the basis for the successful completion of this project.
The technical challenge was also significant. Meeting Tier IV Design Documents requirements can require a large number of redundant elements, the close relationship of mechanical and electrical systems, and testing to demonstrate that emergencies can be addressed without human intervention or damage to IT equipment.
It was necessary to account for all developments in the space and then properly develop BMS hardware that would meet these potential challenges. In addition, the automation system should also work with no loss of functionality in the event of a fault of the BMS system. Design and implementation of algorithms for the BMS demanded involvement of the automation division of Technoserv and almost 6 months of hard work.
It was important to limit the noise from the engineering equipment, as the data center is located in a residential area. Noise insulation measures required examination of the normative and regulatory documents. Knowledge of local codes was key!
Lessons Learned
Technoserv also learned again that there no minor details in a high-tech data center. For example, a topcoat applied to the floor during construction caused the floor to oxidize actively. Only after numerous measurements and testing did Technoserv find that the additive in the coating composition had entered into an electrochemical reaction with the metal supports that formed sulfuric acid and caused an electric potential on the racks of the raised floor.
The data center is currently operational. Technoserv plans to complete the Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility process.
Alexey Karpov is head of the Data Center Construction Department at Technoserv. Having more than 10 years experience in designing and building data centers, Mr. Karpov is an Accredited Tier Designer, Certified Data Centre Design Professional, and Certified Data Centre Management Professional. VTB Bank, recognized as the largest infrastructure project in Russia in 2010, and the data center for Bashneft are two large-scale projects completed under his guidance. Technoserv, Russia’s largest system integrator, was founded in 1992.Technoserve installs, develops, and outsources IT infrastructure and develops communications, engineering, and information security systems as well as power systems and application platforms. According to RA Expert, a leading Russian analytical agency, Technoserv is a leader in providing IT services in Russia. Business volumes confirm the company’s leadership in the Russian IT market; total revenues for the entire Technoserv group of companies exceeded 43 billion rubles in fiscal year 2012. Heslin Heslin2014-11-06 08:14:192014-11-06 08:14:19Russia’s First Tier IV Certification of Design Documents
An interview with CenturyLink’s David Meredith and Drew Leonard
By Matt Stansberry
Through our survey data and interactions with global Network members, Uptime Institute has noted large enterprise companies that have gone from running their own data centers exclusively to augmenting with some form of outsourced infrastructure. Does this match your experience? Do you see large enterprises extending their data centers into third-party sites that might not have been doing it three to five years ago.
David Meredith: Absolutely, we definitely see that trend. There is a migration path for enterprises, and it starts with making the decision to move to colocation. Over time, we see these companies develop roadmaps where they look to move to more automation and a consumption-based approach to workload management; we call it the stairway to the cloud. It is a hybrid approach where enterprises may have some colocation, some managed services, some public cloud, and some private cloud.
What do you think is driving this data center outsourcing trend?
David Meredith: There has never been a better time to grow a business, to exercise entrepreneurship at a grand or small scale, because everything needed to enable a growing business is available as-a-service. So you can focus on what makes a winner in your space and core competencies, and then outsource everything else that’s not core to your specific business. Infrastructure supported by the data center extends that concept.
Companies need agility, the ability to scale more quickly, to put capital to the highest and best use.
The data center business continues to require more sophistication as it relates to cooling, energy efficiency, change management, certifications, and standards. Enterprises don’t need to be expert on how to run and operate a data center because that distracts from being the best in the world at their core products and services. That’s a full-time job in and of itself, so it makes sense that data center-as-a-service continues to grow at a double-digit rate.
Drew Leonard: Today, if you look at IT budgets, they’re typically not growing. But the IT department, the CIOs and CTOs, they’re all expected to be more nimble and to play a bigger part in the growth of the company, not just figuring out how to reduce cost. So, outsourcing the colocation and other components allows them to be more nimble. But, it also gives them quicker speed to market and extends their geographic reach and ability to get into multiple markets.
If you’re going to manage and maintain your own data center—if you’re going to keep it up to the specs of where the commercial data centers are today—there’s a lot of training and maintenance that goes into that.
Do you see regional differences in how data center services are procured around the globe?
David Meredith: Yes, we do see cultural differences. One of the things we’re driving now is having a much wider range of flexibility on the densities we are able to accommodate. In Asia, customers are still looking for lower density solutions, whereas in North America, we have more demand for very high density solutions.
Drew Leonard: Carrier density and diversity are much more common in North America, and it’s becoming more mature in Europe. I’d say it’s different in Asia because of the regulated environment with regards to telcos. There are simple things, like David said, that’s very true; the densities in Asia right now are still a little bit lower as people move out of their existing data centers which traditionally are a lot lower density than the new commercial-grade type of colocation facilities.
When we speak with enterprise operations staff, they are tasked with either procuring colocation services or managing a data center remotely through a third party; they have had to do a lot of on-the-job training. Many have never been in this position before and do not have a lot of experience around the procurement side or third-party vendor management. What are the skill sets people try to develop to shift to a broker/manager of these kinds of services?
David Meredith: Financial modeling is important in understanding the true total cost of ownership (TCO), as well as understanding what exactly you’re getting. Not all data centers are created equal, and sometimes it’s hard for buyers to discern the quality level that went into one building versus another building. What are the points of differentiation there?
Also, what are going to be the incremental costs from a TCO perspective if you go with a cheaper solution? Digging down to that next level is pretty important. For example, how much distribution is included in your price quote and what are the non-recurring charges associated with the service?
Drew Leonard: Some customers are making decisions based purely on price and not looking at the historical background of the companies. Enterprises should look at the overall performance over a period of time and look back at that historical representation over a variety of different situations and circumstances. Are those providers maintaining all of their facilities to 100% uptime?
David Meredith: Building on that, don’t just look at the facility itself. You really have to look at the people and the processes that are managing the facilities. If there is a problem, it often comes down to human error. You want to have a provider with a very robust set of repeatable processes that meet or extend industry standards. Industries like financial services, health care, or government are attuned to this process. What will keep that data center up 100% of the time is having very good change management processes, so someone doesn’t make a mistake or cause a problem. You have to ask: What is the experience level of the people that are running the data center, what are the processes they’re following? That can be almost as important, if not more so, than evaluating the facility itself.
This seems like a decent segue to discuss your organization’s commitment to Tier Certification. Why is CenturyLink pursuing Tier Certification, and how is Certification impacting your conversations with customers?
CenturyLink executives (left to right) Joel Stone, Drew Leonard, and Ash Mathur accept the plaque for CenturyLink’s new Tier III Certified Facility in Toronto from Uptime Institute Chief Operating Officer Julian Kudritzki.
David Meredith: CenturyLink invests heavily in our data center capabilities, and we’ve made a decision in terms of our positioning in the marketplace to be on the higher end of the quality spectrum. Also, CenturyLink is a big contractor to the government. We have a very significant financial services practice. So, standards are important, quality is critical, and we believe that the Tier Certification process is a way to clearly reflect a commitment to that quality.
We’re making the investments, so we think Tier Certification is a great fit for what we’re already doing. We have 100% uptime SLAs, and we put the resources behind that to make it something we can really stand behind.
Drew Leonard: I see more and more in RFPs—companies don’t want a facility that’s just Concurrently Maintainable. Customers are starting to look for official Tier III Certification. So, Tier Certification is increasingly important to the customers that are coming to us and the opportunities to even be considered as a data center provider for large enterprise companies. Having the Tier Certification foil is extremely important.
We’re making that commitment.
For us, it’s just the next step. We don’t want to have to explain ourselves. We want to be able to say that we are Uptime Institute Tier III Certified at the Design and Constructed Facility levels and that we’re executing on that plan. Then, our operations teams back it up with the day-to-day processes that they put in place to keep our facilities running.
What are some of the common mistakes enterprises get into when they first start entering these colocation relationships?
David Meredith: We’re seeing people focus on one number for cost. Then they’re paying more overall because they’ve only focused on one metric. Companies are pushing their price per kilowatt lower, but then they’re charging all sorts of add-on fees and other charges on top. You have to look at the entire cost and look at exactly what you’re getting when you’re comparing to make sure you’re getting an apples-to-apples comparison across the options, both in terms of all costs as well as exactly what you’re getting for what you’re spending. CenturyLink provides transparent pricing, and we don’t like to nickel and dime our customers. We tend to package more into the base package than our competitors.
Drew Leonard: Migration is always a key piece and adding services, turnover of equipment, or refresh. There is also staffing growth. Companies have a very hard time predicting their growth and having a scalable growth plan. When enterprises look at the future, they’re not able to clearly predict that path of growth. Follow-on costs may get overlooked in a long-term view when they’re trying to make this short-term decision.
Do you see any resource efficiency implications in this outsourcing trend?
David Meredith: For the enterprise, one analogy relates to energy efficiency for automobiles. You can buy a highly efficient vehicle, but if you’re slamming on the gas pedal and slamming on the brakes, that’s not a very fuel efficient way to drive and operate the car.
CenturyLink is focused on efficiency every day—we’re trying to figure out how to squeeze that next improvement in efficiency out of the data center in terms of power usage and operating efficiency.
To extend the automobile analogy, if you really want to be energy efficient, you can carpool to get to work each day. Similarly, when you start to migrate services to the cloud, essentially you’re carpooling in the data center. You want to have a colocation provider with a flexible set of product offerings that can move into the cloud when needed. It’s great to have contractual flexibility to shift your spend from colocation to cloud over time and do it all in the same footprint.
Do customers demand transparency on energy usage and resource efficiency from your data centers? If so, how do you meet those demands, and how does CenturyLink compare to other colocation organizations in this regard?
Drew Leonard: Yes, CenturyLink customers tend to be very sophisticated consumers of data center services. For example, we have a large financial services practice, and many of these customers like to be informed on the
bleeding-edge developments in terms of data center efficiency. CenturyLink works with customers to audit what they are doing and suggest improvements based on their specific requirements. We offer an option for metered pricing. Our recently announced modular data center deployments and IO.OS software from the IO partnership can be a differentiator for customers. Our engineering teams have been utilizing a variety of approaches to improve energy efficiency across our 57 data center footprint with positive results.
Where do you see the marketplace going in three years?
David Meredith: Each year, we see more colocation purchases from the service provider segment or what I call “X-as-a-Service” companies. Many of these companies are born in the cloud, and they need data center space to enable the end service that they provide for the enterprise. We invite and welcome service providers into our data centers as colocation customers because they help to strengthen our ecosystems and provide services that are just a cross-connect away from our enterprise customers.
We encourage our enterprise customers to be informed purchasers of managed services and to ask the right questions to understand what data centers are underpinning the managed solutions that they buy.
Drew Leonard: That’s right; we even launched a service called ClientConnect which acts like a dating service to help our thousands of customers more easily connect with service providers in our data center ecosystems.
Matt Stansberry
Matt Stansberry is director of Content and Publications for the Uptime Institute and also serves as program director for the Uptime Institute Symposium, an annual spring event that brings together 1,500 stakeholders in enterprise IT, data center facilities, and corporate real estate to deal with the critical issues surrounding enterprise computing. He was formerly editorial director for Tech Target’s Data Center and Virtualization media group, and was managing editor of Today’s Facility Manager magazine. He has reported on the convergence of IT and Facilities for more than a decade.
David Meredith
As senior vice president and global general manager at CenturyLink Technology Solutions, David Meredith oversees 57 data centers and related services across North America, Europe, and Asia. Mr. Meredith’s team manages the ongoing expansion of the CenturyLink data center footprint, which involves several new buildout projects at any given time. Mr. Meredith’s global Operations and Facilities teams include several hundred members with over 15 years average data center experience and many certifications, which help them manage to a 100% uptime service level agreement (SLA) standard.
The data center teams also support the CenturyLink Cloud Platform and a large managed services customer base. From the sales perspective, the team has recently added a new global vice president of Sales from another large colocation provider and is actively on-boarding new colocation channel partners as well as launching a new real estate broker relations team to help drive sales.
Drew Leonard
Drew Leonard has more than 18 years in the telecom and data center industry. As vice president of Colocation Product Management for CenturyLink, Mr. Leonard is responsible for enhancing colocation services, growing the business through new client and market opportunities, and ensuring that customers receive the most current and cost effective solutions. Prior to joining CenturyLink, he was director of Product Marketing at Switch and Data Facilities, and director of Marketing at PAIX. As a seasoned product and marketing executive for these data center and Internet exchange providers, Mr. Leonard’s primary focus was developing detailed strategic marketing plans leveraging market and revenue opportunity through market sizing. Mr. Leonard has continued to specialize in market sizing, market share analysis, strategic planning, market-based pricing, product development, channel marketing, and sales development. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California Heslin Heslin2014-10-09 10:04:412014-10-23 07:34:48Executive Perspectives on the Colocation and Wholesale Markets
Data center operators need to move beyond PUE and address the underlying factors driving poor IT efficiency.
By Matt Stansberry and Julian Kudritzki, with Scott Killian
Since the early 2000s, when the public and IT practitioners began to understand the financial and environmental repercussions of IT resource consumption, the data center industry has focused obsessively and successfully on improving the efficiency of data center facility infrastructure. Unfortunately, we have been focused on just the tip of the iceberg – the most visible, but smallest piece of the IT efficiency opportunity.
At the second Uptime Institute Symposium in 2007, Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute stood on stage with Uptime Institute Founder Ken Brill and called on IT innovators and government agencies to improve server compute utilization, power supplies, and the efficiency of the software code itself.
But those calls to action fell on deaf ears, leaving power usage effectiveness (PUE) as the last vestige of the heady days when data center energy was top on the minds of industry executives, regulators, and legislators. PUE is an effective engineering ratio that data center facilities teams can use to capture baseline data and track the results of efficiency improvements to mechanical and electrical infrastructure. It is also useful for design teams comparing equipment or topology-level solutions. But, as industry adoption of PUE has expanded the metric is increasingly being misused as a methodology to cut costs and prove stewardship of corporate and/or environmental resources.
Figure 1. 82% of Senior Execs are tracking PUE and reporting those findings to their management. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2014
Feedback from the Uptime Institute Network around the world confirms Uptime Institute’s field experience that enterprise IT executives are overly focused on PUE. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey, conducted January-April 2014, the vast majority of IT executives (82%) tracks PUE and reports that metric to their corporate management. By focusing on PUE, IT executives are spending effort and capital for diminishing returns and ignoring the underlying drivers of poor IT efficiency.
For nearly a decade, Uptime Institute has recommended that enterprise IT executives take a holistic approach to significantly reducing the cost and resource consumption of compute infrastructure.
Ken Brill identified the following as the primary culprits of poor IT efficiency as early as 2007:
Poor demand and capacity planning within and across functions (business, IT, facilities)
Significant failings in asset management (6% average server utilization, 56% facility utilization)
Boards, CEOs, and CFOs not holding CIOs accountable for critical data center facilities’ CapEx and data center operational efficiency
Perhaps the industry was not ready to hear this governance message and the economics did not motivate broad response. Additionally, the furious pace at which data centers were being built distracted from the ongoing cost of IT service delivery. Since then, operational costs have continued to escalate as a result of insufficient attention being paid to the true cost of operations.
Rising energy, equipment, and construction costs and increased government scrutiny are compelling a mature management model that identifies and rewards improvements to the most glaring IT inefficiencies. At the same time, the primary challenges facing IT organizations are unchanged from almost 10 years ago. Select leading enterprises have taken it upon themselves to address these challenges. But the industry lacks a coherent mode and method that can be shared and adopted for full benefit of the industry.
A solution developed by and for the IT industry will be more functional and impactful than a coarse adaptation of other industries’ efficiency programs (manufacturing and mining have been suggested as potential models) or government intervention.
In this document, Uptime Institute presents a meaningful justification for unifying the disparate disciplines and efforts together, under a holistic plan, to radically reduce IT cost and resource consumption.
Multidisciplinary Approach Includes Siting, Design, IT, Procurement, Operations, and Executive Leadership
Historically, data center facilities management has driven IT energy efficiency. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey (2011-2014), less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets. This lopsided financial arrangement fosters unaccountable IT growth, inaccurate planning, and waste (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2012
The key to success for enterprises pursuing IT efficiency is to create a multidisciplinary energy management plan (owned by senior executive leadership) that includes the following:
Executive commitment to sustainable results
A formal reporting relationship between IT and data center facilities management with a chargeback model that takes into account procurement and operations/maintenance costs
Key performance indicators (KPIs) and mandated reporting for power, water, and carbon utilization
A culture of continuous improvement with incentives and recognition for staff efforts
Cost modeling of efficiency improvements for presentation to senior management
Optimization of resource efficiency through ongoing management and operations
Computer room management: rigorous airflow management and no bypass airflow
Testing, documenting, and improving IT hardware utilization
IT asset management: consolidating, decommissioning, and recycling obsolete hardware
Managing software and hardware life cycles from procurement to disposal
Effective investment in efficiency during site planning and design phase of the data center
Site-level considerations: utility sourcing, ambient conditions, building materials, and effective land use
Design and topology that match business demands with maximum efficiency
Effective monitoring and control systems
Phased buildouts that scale to deployment cycles
Executive Commitment to Sustainable Results
Any IT efficiency initiative is going to be short-lived and less effective without executive authority to drive the changes across the organization. For both one-time and sustained savings, executive leadership must address the management challenges inherent in any process improvement. Many companies are unable to effectively hold IT accountable for inefficiencies because financial responsibility for energy costs lies instead with facilities management.
Uptime Institute has challenged the industry for years to restructure company financial reporting so that IT has direct responsibility for its own energy and data center costs. Unfortunately, there has been very little movement toward that kind of arrangement, and industry-wide chargeback models have been flimsy, disregarded, or nonexistent.
Figure 3. Average PUE decreased dramatically from 2007-2011, but efficiencies have been harder to find since then. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2014
Perhaps we’ve been approaching this issue from the wrong angle. Instead of moving the data center’s financial responsibilities over to IT, some organizations are moving the entire Facilities team and costs wholesale into a single combined department.
In one example, a global financial firm with 22 data centers across 7 time zones recently merged its Facilities team into its overall IT infrastructure and achieved the following results:
Stability: an integrated team that provides single entity accountability and continuous improvement
Energy Efficiency: holistic approach to energy from chips to chillers
Capacity: design and planning much more closely aligned with IT requirements
This globally integrated organization with single-point ownership and accountability established firm-wide standards for data center design and operation and deployed an advanced tool set that integrates facilities with IT.
This kind of cohesion is necessary for a firm to conduct effective cost modeling, implement tools like DCIM, and overcome cultural barriers associated with a new IT efficiency program.
Executive leadership should consider the following when launching a formal energy management program:
Formal documentation of responsibility, reporting, strategy, and program implementation
Cost modeling and reporting on operating expenses, power cost, carbon cost per VM (virtual machine),
and chargeback implementation
KPIs and targets: power, water, carbon emissions/offsets, hardware utilization, and cost reduction
DCIM implementation: dashboard that displays all KPIs and drivers that leadership deems important
for managing to business objectives
Incentives and recognition for staff
Operational Efficiency
Regardless of an organization’s data center design topology, there are substantial areas in facility and IT management where low-cost improvements will reap financial and organizational rewards. On the facilities management side, Uptime Institute has written extensively about the simple fixes that prevent bypass airflow, such as ensuring Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle layout in data centers, installing blanking panels in racks, and sealing openings in the raised floor.
Figure 4. Kaiser Permanente won a Brill Award for Efficient IT in 2014 for improving operational efficiency across its legacy facilities.
In a 2004 study, Uptime Institute reported that the cooling capacity of the units found operating in a large sample of data centers was 2.6 times what was required to meet the IT requirements—well beyond any reasonable level of redundant capacity. In addition, an average of only 40% of the cooling air supplied to the data centers studied was used for cooling IT equipment. The remaining 60% was effectively wasted capacity, required only because of mismanaged airflow.
More recent industry data shows that the average ratio of operating nameplate cooling capacity has increased from 2.6 to 3.9 times the IT requirement. Disturbingly, this trend is going in the wrong direction.
Uptime Institute has published a comprehensive, 29-step guide to data center cooling best practices to help data center managers take greater advantage of the energy savings opportunities available while providing improved cooling of IT systems: Implementing Data Center Cooling Best Practices
Health-care giant Kaiser Permanente recently deployed many of those steps across four legacy data centers in its portfolio, saving approximately US$10.5 million in electrical utility costs and averting 52,879 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Kaiser Permanente won a Brill Award for Efficient IT in 2014 for its leadership in this area (see Figure 4).
According to Uptime Institute’s 2014 survey data, a large percentage of companies are tackling the issues around inefficient cooling (see Figure 5). Unfortunately, there is not a similar level of adoption for IT operations efficiency.
Figure 5. According to Uptime Institute’s 2014 survey data, a large percentage of companies are tackling the issues around inefficient cooling.
The Sleeping Giant: Comatose IT Hardware
Wasteful, or comatose, servers hide in plain sight in even the most sophisticated IT organizations. These servers, abandoned by application owners and users but still racked and running, represent a triple threat in terms of energy waste—squandering power at the plug, wasting data center facility capacity, and incurring software licensing and hardware maintenance costs.
Uptime Institute has maintained that an estimated 15-20% of servers in data centers are obsolete, outdated, or unused, and that remains true today.
The problem is likely more widespread than previously reported. According to Uptime Institute research, only 15% of respondents believe their server populations include 10% or more comatose machines. Yet, nearly half (45%) of survey respondents have no scheduled auditing to identify and remove unused machines.
Uptime Institute launched the Server Roundup contest in October 2011 to raise awareness about the removal and recycling of comatose and obsolete IT equipment and reduce data center energy use. Uptime Institute invited companies around the globe to help address and solve this problem by participating in the Server Roundup.
The financial firm Barclays removed nearly 10,000 servers in 2013, which directly consumed an estimated 2.5 megawatts (MW) of power. Left on the wire, the power bill would be approximately US$4.5 million higher than it is today. Installed together, these servers would fill up 588 server racks. Barclays also saved approximately US$1.3 million on legacy hardware maintenance costs, reduced the firm’s carbon footprint, and freed up more than 20,000 network ports and 3,000 SAN ports due to this initiative (see Figure 6).
Barclays was a Server Roundup winner in 2012 as well, removing 5,515 obsolete servers, with power savings of 3 MW, and US$3.4 million annualized savings for power, and a further US$800,000 savings in hardware maintenance.
Figure 6. The Server Roundup sheds light on a serious topic in a humorous way. Barclays saved over $US10 million in two years of dedicated server decommissioning.
In two years, Barclays has removed nearly 15,000 servers and saved over US$10 million. Server Roundup overwhelmingly proves that disciplined hardware decommissioning can provide a significant financial impact. Yet, despite these huge savings and intangible benefits to the overall IT organization, many firms are not applying the same level of diligence and discipline to a server decommissioning plan, as noted previously.
This is the crux of the data center efficiency challenge ahead—convincing more organization of the massive return on investment in addressing IT instead of relentlessly pursuing physical infrastructure efficiency.
Organizations need to hold IT operations teams accountable to root out inefficiencies, of which comatose servers are only the most egregious example.
Other systemic IT inefficiencies include:
Neglected application portfolios with outdated, duplicate,or abandoned software programs
Low-risk activities and test and development applications consuming high-resiliency, resource-intensive capacity
Server hugging—not deploying workloads to solutions with highly efficient, shared infrastructure
Fragile legacy software applications requiring old, inefficient, outdated hardware—and often duplicate IT hardware installations—to maintain availability
But, in order to address any of these systemic problems, companies need to secure a commitment from executive leadership by taking a more activist role than previously assumed.
Resource Efficiency in the Design Phase
Some progress has been made, as the majority of current data center designs are now being engineered toward systems efficiency. By contrast, enterprises around the globe operate legacy data centers, and these existing sites by far present the biggest opportunity for improvement and financial return on efficiency investment.
That said, IT organizations should apply the following guidelines to resource efficiency in the design phase:
Take a phased approach, rather than building out vast expanses of white space at once and running rooms for years with very little IT gear. Find a way to shrink the capital project cycle; create a repeatable, scalable model.
Implement an operations strategy in the pre-design, design, and construction phases to improve operating performance. (See Start with the End in Mind)
Define operating conditions that approach the limits of IT equipment thermal guidelines and exploit ambient conditions to reduce cooling load.
Data center owners should pursue resource efficiency in all capital projects, within the constraints of their business demands. The vast majority of companies will not be able to achieve the ultra-low PUEs of web-scale data center operators. Nor should they sacrifice business resiliency or cost effectiveness in pursuit of those kinds of designs—given that the opportunities to achieve energy and cost savings in the operations (rather than through design) are massive.
The lesson often overlooked when evaluating web-scale data centers is that IT in these organizations is closely aligned with the power and cooling topology. The web-scale companies have an IT architecture that allows low equipment-level redundancy and a homogeneous IT environment conducive to custom, highly utilized servers. These efficiency opportunities are not available to many enterprises. However, most enterprises can emulate, if not the actual design, then the concept of designing to match the IT need. Approaches include phasing, varied Tier data centers (e.g., test and development and low-criticality functions can live in Tier I and II rooms; while business-critical activity is in Tier III and IV rooms), and increased asset utilization.
Senior executives understand the importance of reporting and influencing IT energy efficiency, and yet they are currently using inappropriate tools and metrics for the job. The misguided focus on infrastructure masks, and distracts them from addressing, the real systemic inefficiencies in most enterprise organizations.
The data center design community should be proud of its accomplishments in improving power and cooling infrastructure efficiency, yet the biggest opportunities and savings can only be achieved with an integrated and multi-disciplined operations and management team. Any forthcoming gains in efficiency will depend on documenting data center cost and performance, communicating that data in business terms to finance and other senior management within the company, and getting the hardware and software disciplines to take up the mantle of pursuing efficient IT on a holistic basis.
There is increasing pressure for the data center industry to address efficiency in a systematic manner, as more government entities and municipalities are contemplating green IT and energy mandates.
In the 1930s, the movie industry neutralized a patchwork of onerous state and local censorship efforts (and averted the threat of federal action) by developing and adopting its own set of rules: the Motion Picture Production Code. These rules, often called the Hays Code, evolved into the MPAA film ratings system used today, a form of voluntary self-governance that has helped the industry to successfully avoid regulatory interference for decades.
Uptime Institute will continue to produce research, guidelines, and assessment models to assist the industry in self-governance and continuous improvement. Uptime Institute will soon release supplemental papers on relevant topics such as effective reporting and chargebacks.
In 2007, Uptime Institute surveyed its Network members (a user group of large data center owners and operators), and found an average PUE of 2.5. The average PUE improved from 2.50 in 2007 to 1.89 in 2011 in Uptime Institute’s data center industry survey.
So how did the industry make those initial improvements?
A lot of these efforts were simple fixes that prevented bypass airflow, such as ensuring Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle arrangement in data centers, installing blanking panels in racks, and sealing cutouts. Many facilities teams appear to have done what they can to improve existing data center efficiency, short of making huge capital improvements.
From 2011 to today, the average self-reported PUE has only improved from 1.89 to 1.70. The biggest infrastructure efficiency gains happened 5 years ago, and further improvements will require significant investment and effort, with increasingly diminishing returns.
In a 2010 interview, Christian Belady, architect of the PUE metric, said, “The job is never done, but if you focus on improving in one area very long you’ll start to get diminishing returns. You have to be conscious of the cost pie, always be conscious of where the bulk of the costs are.”
But executives are pressuring for more. Further investments in technologies and design approaches may provide negative financial payback and zero improvement of the systemic IT efficiency problems.
What Happens If Nothing Happens?
In some regions, energy costs are predicted to increase by 40% by 2020. Most organizations cannot afford such a dramatic increase to the largest operating cost of the data center.
For finance, information services, and other industries, IT is the largest energy consumer in the company. Corporate sustainability teams have achieved meaningful gains in other parts of the company but seek a meaningful way to approach IT.
China is considering a government categorization of data centers based upon physical footprint. Any resulting legislation will ignore the defining business, performance, and resource consumption characteristics of a data center.
In South Africa, the carbon tax has reshaped the data center operations cost structure for large IT operators and visibly impacted the bottom line.
Government agencies will step in to fill the void and create a formula- or metric-based system for demanding efficiency improvement, which will not take into account an enterprise’s business and operating objectives. For example, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill (HR 2126) that would mandate new energy efficiency standards in all federal data centers.
Matt Stansberry is director of Content and Publications for the Uptime Institute and also serves as program director for the Uptime Institute Symposium, an annual spring event that brings together 1,500 stakeholders in enterprise IT, data center facilities, and corporate real estate to deal with the critical issues surrounding enterprise computing. He was formerly editorial director for Tech Target’s Data Center and Virtualization media group, and was managing editor of Today’s Facility Manager magazine. He has reported on the convergence of IT and Facilities for more than a decade.
Julian Kudritzki joined the Uptime Institute in 2004 and currently serves as COO. He is responsible for the global proliferation of Uptime Institute standards. He has supported the founding of Uptime Institute offices in numerous regions, including Brasil, Russia, and North Asia. He has collaborated on the development of numerous Uptime Institute publications, education programs, and unique initiatives such as Server Roundup and FORCSS. He is based in Seattle, WA.
Scott Killian joined the Uptime Institute in 2014 and currently serves as VP for Efficient IT Program. He surveys the industry for current practices, and develops new products to facilitate industry adoption of best practices. Mr. Killian directly delivers consulting at the site management, reporting, and governance levels. He is based in Virginia.
Prior to joining Uptime Institute, Mr. Killian led AOL’s holistic resource consumption initiative, which resulted in AOL winning two Uptime Institute Server Roundups for decommissioning more than 18,000 servers and reducing operating expenses more than US$6 million. In addition, AOL received three awards in the Green Enterprise IT (GEIT) program. AOL accomplished all this in the context of a five-year plan developed by Mr. Killian to optimize data center resources, which saved ~US$17 million annually.
Want to stay informed on this topic, provide us your contact information and we will add your to our Efficient IT communications group. Heslin Heslin2014-10-07 14:54:432015-11-05 16:56:58A Holistic Approach to Reducing Cost and Resource Consumption
2014 Data Center Industry Survey
/in Private/by Kevin HeslinThe fourth annual Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey provides an overview of global industry trends by surveying 1,000 data center operators and IT practitioners. Uptime Institute collected responses via email February through April 2014 and presented preliminary results in May 2014 at the 9th Uptime Institute Symposium: Empowering the Data Center Professional. This document provides the full results and analysis.
I. Survey Demographics
Uptime Institute focused its analysis on the end-user survey respondents. The majority of survey participants are data center managers, followed by smaller percentages of IT managers and senior executives. The U.S. and Canada make up a significant portion of the response, with growing numbers of participants from around the globe.
About half of the end-user respondents work for third-party commercial data center companies (colocation or cloud computing providers), and the other half work for enterprises in vertical industries such as financial services (11%), manufacturing (7%), healthcare (4%), government (4%), and other industries (26%).
In various sections throughout this survey, the financial services industry’s responses have been broken out from those of traditional enterprise companies. Across multiple focus areas, the responses of financial services organizations differ significantly from those of other verticals.
Previous annual surveys in 2011, 2012, and 2013 showed that large organizations (defined in this context as companies managing over 5,000 servers) were adopting new technologies, outsourcing less-critical workloads, and pursuing energy efficiency goals much faster than smaller companies.
For 2014, we analyzed the results further and found that the data center maturity gap is not just a matter of size, but also specific to a single industry (banking). This difference is most likely due to the massive investment financial organizations have in IT, especially in relation to their overall cost structures. A financial organization’s efficiency at deploying IT correlates directly to its profitability in a way that may not be as obvious to other companies.
When the response profiles of the financial organizations and the colocation providers are compared, a pattern starts to emerge – both banks and colos run their data center operations as a business.
We will explore the implications of these parallels throughout the survey data.
II. Data center budgets
In each year’s survey, we ask participants to compare their organization’s current spending on data centers (including real estate, infrastructure equipment, staffing, operations, etc.) to the previous year. Every year, the answers to these questions reveal massive growth in the colocation and multi-tenant data center (MTDC) industry compared to enterprise spending.
In 2014, the vast majority of third-party data center respondents (86%) report receiving budget increases, versus 63% of financial firms and just 50% of the other enterprise companies. This gap is similar to the 2013 results: 77% of third-party respondents increased budget, versus just 47% of enterprise companies.
With half of all enterprises reporting stagnant or shrinking data center budgets and colocation operators reporting massive growth, our conclusion is that increasingly, enterprise data center workloads are shifting to third-party providers.
This is not to say that the enterprise data centers are going away any time soon. These organizations will continue to squeeze a return on their investments in enterprise data center assets. The value of a performing, fully or partially depreciated asset cannot be disregarded.
According to surveys from Uptime Institute’s executive programs, nearly every enterprise has chosen to host some percentage of its IT workloads off-premise, in a MTDC, cloud, or other third-party environment. Anecdotal reports to Uptime Institute lead us to believe this to be a fairly recent development (within the last 5 years).
Yet, while nearly every company is deploying off-premise computing, the percentage of workloads hosted in these environments appears to be fairly static as a percentage of overall compute. The figure below represents enterprise organizations’ IT deployment mix today, and projected deployment mix in 2014. This indicates that the growth trends in off-premise computing will continue as overall enterprise IT workloads continue to grow. This finding also indicates that there is no imminent rebound or recoil in the circular trend of outsourcing-insourcing-outsourcing commonly held in IT and other key enterprise functions such as call centers.
This report will delve into the drivers and decision-making challenges for enterprise IT organizations contracting MTDCs and cloud computing in Section IV.
III. IT Efficiency
A special focus in 2014’s survey is an assessment of the behaviors, management strategies, and technologies used to improve IT efficiency.
Over the past several years, Uptime Institute has documented the rise in adoption of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and the meager gains achieved by further pursuing that metric. Based on Uptime Institute’s field experience and feedback from the Uptime Institute Network (a user group of large data center owners and operators) around the world, enterprise IT executives are overly focused on PUE.
The vast majority (72%) of respondents measure PUE. Isolating the responses by job function, a huge percentage of executives (82%) are tracking that metric and reporting it to their corporate management.
PUE is an effective engineering ratio that data center facilities teams use to capture baseline data and track the results of efficiency improvements to mechanical and electrical infrastructure. It is also useful for design teams to compare equipment- or topology-level solutions. But as industry adoption of PUE has expanded, the metric is increasingly being misused as a methodology to cut costs and prove stewardship of corporate and/or environmental resources
In 2007, Uptime Institute surveyed its Network members, and found an average PUE of 2.50. The average PUE improved from 2.50 in 2007 to 1.89 in 2011 in Uptime Institute’s data center industry survey.
From 2011 to today, the average self-reported PUE has only improved from 1.89 to 1.7. The biggest infrastructure efficiency gains happened five years ago, and further improvements will require significant investment and effort, with increasingly diminishing returns.
The figure following represents adoption of various data center cooling approaches to improve efficiency. The low-capital cost approaches have largely been adopted by data center operators. And yet, executives pressure for further reduction in PUE. High-cost efficiency investments in technologies and design approaches may provide negative financial payback and zero improvement of systemic IT efficiency problems.
Many companies’ targets for PUE are far lower than their reported current state. By focusing on PUE, IT executives are spending effort and capital for diminishing returns and continue to ignore the underlying drivers of poor IT utilization.
For example, Uptime Institute estimates of 20% of servers in data centers are obsolete, outdated, or unused. Yet, very few survey respondents believe their server populations include comatose machines. Nearly half of survey respondents have no scheduled auditing to identify and remove unused hardware.
Historically, IT energy efficiency has been driven by data center facilities management. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey (2011-2014), less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets.
This lopsided financial arrangement fosters unaccountable IT growth, inaccurate planning, and waste. This is why 67% of the senior IT executives believe comatose hardware is not a problem.
Uptime Institute launched the Server Roundup contest in October 2011 to raise awareness about the removal and recycling of comatose and obsolete IT equipment and reduce data center energy use. Uptime Institute invited companies around the globe to help address and solve this problem by participating in the Server Roundup, an initiative to promote IT and Facilities integration and improve data center energy efficiency.
In 2 years of participating in Server Roundup, the financial firm Barclays has removed nearly 15,000 servers and saved over US$10M. Server Roundup overwhelmingly proves that disciplined hardware decommissioning can provide a significant financial impact.
Yet despite these huge savings and intangible benefits to the overall IT organization, many firms are not applying the same level of diligence and discipline to a server decommissioning plan, as noted previously.
This is the crux of the data center efficiency challenge ahead—convincing more organizations of the massive return on investment in addressing IT instead of relentlessly pursuing physical infrastructure efficiency.
Organizations need to hold IT operations teams accountable to root out inefficiencies, of which comatose servers are only the most obvious and egregious example.
For nearly a decade, Uptime Institute has recommended enterprise IT executives take a holistic approach to significantly reduce the cost and resource consumption of compute infrastructure. That approach is outlined here.
IV. Enterprise Adoption of Third-Party Data Centers and IT Services
As stated earlier, nearly every enterprise organization is using some combination of in-house IT and off-premise computing. There are a number of drivers for this trend, including the ability to right-size deployments, lower the cost of investment, and getting IT workloads into production quickly.
So far, enterprise organizations have largely been satisfied with their experiences using multi-tenant data center providers. In fact, in this unverified and self-reported survey, the colocation operators report fewer outages than their enterprise counterparts.
Despite many enterprise organizations currently reporting satisfaction with colocation providers, the deployment to off-premise computing has not always been a smooth transition. In Uptime Institute’s experience, many large enterprise organizations historically ran their own data centers, and only recently started deploying into third-party sites at scale. The facilities and corporate real estate teams who are often responsible for managing these companies have limited experience in contract terms, service level agreements, pricing, and other challenges specific to an outsourced IT relationship.
In fact, the decision over whether to outsource an IT workload and where to host it typically comes from the IT department, and not the management team that ultimately holds responsibility for that contract.
The facilities managers and data center engineers are expected to become experts in third-party data center management on the fly—to learn on the job. All the while, the usage of third-party data center providers is rapidly expanding, and very few enterprises have formalized requirements for engaging with the MTDC market. A large percentage cannot track the cost of downtime for their organizations.
The vast majority of enterprise organizations are blasting workloads into off-premise computing environments, but they don’t know where they are going, or what their staff are supposed to do when they get there. Many organizations are making decisions on a very limited selection of criteria and inputs.
Ultimately, this was the primary reason Uptime Institute developed the FORCSS™ Methodology in 2012.
Uptime Institute FORCSS is a means to capture, compare, prioritize, and communicate the benefits, costs, and impacts of multiple IT deployment alternatives. Deployment alternatives may include owned/existing data centers, commercial data centers (wholesale, retail, colocation, managed service), or IaaS (including cloud) that is procured on a scale or limited basis.
FORCSS provides organizations with the flexibility to develop specific responses to varying organizational needs. A case study series will present the process of applying the FORCSS Factors to specific deployment options and present the outcome of the FORCSS Index—a concise structure that can be understood by non-IT executive management.
Please refer to the FORCSS Introduction and FORCSS Case Study 1.
Additional 2014 survey responses:
i. If your organization has adopted Cold Aisle or Hot Aisle containment, approximately what percentage of your cabinets uses this design?
a. Less than 10% contained: 22%
b. 10-25% contained: 13%
c. 25-50% contained: 12%
d. 50% contained: 7%
e. 50-75% contained: 16%
f. 75-100% contained: 30%
ii. Would your organization consider a data center that did not include the following designs/technologies?
a. Raised floor: 52% yes
b. Mechanical cooling: 24% yes
c. Generator: 8% yes
d. Uninterruptible power supply: 7% yes
iii. Does management receive reports on data center energy costs?
a. Yes: 71%
b. No: 29%
iv. Does management set targets for reducing data center energy costs?
a. Yes: 54%
b. No: 46%
v. How does your organization measure PUE?
a. PUE Category 0: 30%
b. PUE Category 1: 25%
c. PUE Category 2: 19%
d. PUE Category 3: 11%
e. Alternative method: 8%
f. Don’t know: 7%
vi. Does your company report PUE publicly?
a. Yes; 10%
b. No; 90%
vii. Has your organization achieved environmental or sustainability certifications for any of its data centers?
a. Colo/MTDC: 35% yes
b. Financial Services: 46% yes
c. Other Enterprises: 21% yes
viii. Considering your company’s primary multi-tenant or colocation provider, what is the length of the commitment you have made to that provider?
a. Under 2 years
i. Financial Services: 28%
ii. Other Enterprise: 36%
b. 2-3 years
i. Financial Services: 11%
ii. Other Enterprise: 22%
c. 3-5 years
i. Financial Services: 30%
ii. Other Enterprise: 21%
d. Over 5 years
i. Financial Services: 32%
ii. Other Enterprise: 21%
ix. If your organization measures the cost of data center downtime, how do you use that information?
a. Report to management: 88%
b. Rationalize equipment purchases: 51%
c. Rationalize services purchases: 42%
d. Rationalize increased staff or staff training: 39%
e. Rationalize software purchases: 32%
x. Does your organization perform unscheduled drills that simulate data center emergencies?
a. Yes: 44%
b. No: 56%
xi. Considering your organization’s largest enterprise data center, what staffing model is used for facilities staff?
a. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 70%
b. Other: 30%
Email Uptime Institute Director of Content and Publications Matt Stansberry with any questions or feedback: [email protected].
This paper provides analysis and commentary of the Uptime Institute survey responses. Uptime Institute makes reasonable efforts to facilitate a survey that is reliable and relevant. All participant responses are assumed to be in good faith. Uptime Institute does not verify or endorse the responses of the participants; any claims to savings or benefits are entirely the representations of the survey participants.
Data Center Cooling: CRAC/CRAH redundancy, capacity, and selection metrics
/in Executive/by Kevin HeslinStriking the appropriate balance between cost and reliability is a business decision that requires metrics
By Dr. Hussein Shehata
This paper focuses on cooling limitations of down-flow computer room air conditioners/air handlers (CRACs/CRAHs) with dedicated heat extraction solutions in high-density data center cooling applications. The paper also explains how higher redundancy can increase total cost of ownership (TCO) while supporting only very light loads and proposes a metric to help balance the requirements of achieving higher capacities and efficient space utilization.
With several vendors proposing passive high-density technologies (e.g., cabinet hot air removal as a total resolution to the challenge of high density), this analysis shows that such solutions are only possible for a select few cabinets in each row and not for full deployments.
The vendors claim that the technologies can remove heat loads exceeding 20 kilowatts (kW) per cabinet, but our study disproves that claim; passive-cooling units cannot extract more heat than the cold air supplied by the CRACs. For the efficient design of a data center, the aim is to increase the number of cabinets and the total IT load, with the minimal necessary supporting cooling infrastructure. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. The relationship between IT and supporting spaces
Passive Hot Air Removal
Data center design continually evolves towards increasing capacity and decreasing spatial volume, increasing energy density. High-end applications and equipment have higher energy density than standard equipment; however, the high-performance models of any technology have historically become the market standard with the passage of time, which in the case of the IT industry is a short period. As an example, every 3 years the world’s fastest supercomputers offer 10 times the performance of the previous generation, a trend that has been documented over the past 20 years.
Cooling high-density data centers is mostly commonly achieved by:
• Hot Air Removal (HAR) via cabinet exhaust ducts—active and passive.
See Figure 2.
Figure 2. HAR via cabinet exhaust ducts (active and passive). Courtesy APC
• Dedicated fan-powered cooling units (i.e., chilled water cabinets).
See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Dedicated fan-powered cooling units
This paper focuses on HAR/CRAC technology using an underfloor air distribution plenum.
High-density data centers require cooling units that are capable of delivering the highest cooling capacity using the smallest possible footprint. The high-powered CRACs in the smallest footprints available from the major manufacturer offer a net sensible cooling capacity of approximately 90 kW but require 3×1-meter (m) (width by depth) footprints. (Appendix C includes the technical specifications for the example CRAC).
Excluding a detailed heat load estimate and air efficiency distribution effectiveness, the variables of CRAC capacity, cabinet quantity, and cabinet capacity may be related in the following formula.
Note: The formula is simplified and focused on IT cooling requirements, excluding other loads such as lighting and solar gains.
CRAC Capacity = Number of IT cabinets x kW/cabinet (1)
Example 1 for N Capacity: If a 90-kW CRAC cools 90 cabinets, the
average cooling delivered per cabinet is 1 kW.
90 kW= 90 cabinets x 1 kW/cabinet (2)
Example 2 for N Capacity: If a 90-kW CRAC cools two cabinets, the
average cooling delivered per cabinet is 45 kW.
90 kW= 2 cabinets x 45 kW/cabinet (3)
The simplified methodology, however, does not provide practical insight into space usage and heat extraction capability. In Example 1, one CRAC would struggle to efficiently deliver air evenly to all 90 cabinets due to the practical constraints of CRAC airflow throw; in most circumstances the cabinets farthest from the CRAC would likely receive less air then the closer cabinets (assuming practical raised-floor heights and minimal obstructions to under floor airflow).
In Example 2, one CRAC would be capable of supplying sufficient cooling to both cabinets; however, the ratio of space utilization of the CRAC, service access space, and airflow throw buffer would result in a high space usage for the infrastructure compared to prime white space (IT cabinets). Other constraints, such as allocating sufficient perforated floor tiles/grills in case of a raised-floor plenum or additional Cold Aisle containment for maximum air distribution effectiveness may lead to extremely large Cold Aisles that again render the data center space utilization inefficient.
Figure 4. Typical Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle arrangement (ASHRAE TC9.9)
Appendix B includes a number of data center layouts generated to illustrate these concepts. The strategic layouts in this study considered maximum (18 m), average (14 m) and minimal (10 m) practical CRAC air throw, with CRACs installed perpendicular to cabinet rows on one and two sides as recommended in ASHRAE TC9.9. The front-to-back airflow cabinets are assumed to be configured to the best practice of Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle arrangement (See Figure 4). Variation in throw resulted in low, medium, and high cabinet count, best defined as high density, average density, and maximum packed (high number of cabinets) for the same data center whitespace area and electrical load (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. CRAC throw area
In the example layouts, CRACs were placed close together, with the minimal 500-millimeter (mm) maintenance space on one side and 1,000 mm on the long side (see Figure 6). Note that each CRAC manufacturer might have different unit clearance requirements. A minimal 2-m buffer between the nearest cabinet and each CRAC unit prevents entrainment of warm air into the cold air plenum. Cold and Hot aisle widths were modeled on approximately 1,000 mm (hot) and 1,200 mm (cold) as recommended in ASHRAE TC9.9 literature.
In the context of this study, CRAC footprint is defined as the area occupied by CRACs (including maintenance and airflow throw buffer); cabinet footprint is defined as the area occupied by cabinets (and their aisles). These two areas have been compared to analyze the use of prime footprint within the data center hall.
Tier level requires each and every power and cooling component and path to fulfill the Tier requirements; in the context of this paper the redundancy configuration reflects the Tier level of CRAC capacity components only, excluding considerations to other subsystems required for the facility’s operation. Tier I would not require redundant components, hence N CRAC units are employed. Tiers II, III, and IV would require redundant CRACs; therefore N+1 and N+2 configurations were also considered.
Figure 6. CRAC maintenance zone
A basic analysis shows that using a CRAC as described above would require a 14-m2 area (including throw buffer), which would generate 25.7 kW of cooling for every 1 m of active CRAC perimeter at N redundancy, 19.3 kW for one-sided N+1 redundancy and two-sided N+2 redundancy, 22.5 kW for two-sided N+1 redundancy, and 12.9 kW for one-sided N+2 redundancy. However, data center halls are not predominantly selected and designed based on perimeter length, but rather on floor area.
The study focused on identifying the area required by CRAC units, compared to that occupied by IT cabinets, and defines it as a ratio. Figure 7 shows Tier I (N) one-sided CRACs in a high-density cabinet configuration. Appendix A includes the other configuration models.
Furthermore, a metric has been derived to help determine the appropriate cabinet footprint at the required Tier level (considering CRAC redundancy only).
Figure 7. Tier 1 (N) one-sided CRACs in a high-density cabinet configuration
Cabinet capacity to footprint factor C2F= kw/cabinet / C2C (4)
Where CRAC to Cabinet factor C2C= CRAC footprint / Cabinet footprint (5)
For multiple layout configurations, the higher the C2F, the more IT capacity can be incorporated into the space. Higher capacity could be established by more cabinets at lower densities or by fewer cabinets at higher densities. However, the C2F is closely linked to the necessary CRAC footprint, which as analyzed in this paper, could be a major limiting factor (see Figure 8).
Figure 8. C2F versus cabinet load (kW) for various CRAC redundancies
The detailed results appear in Appendix B. The variations analyzed included reference CRACs with no redundancy, with one redundant unit, and with two redundant units. For each of the CRAC configurations, three cabinet layouts were considered: maximum packed, average density, and high density).
Results showed that the highest C2F based on the six variations within each of the three redundancy configurations is as follows:
• Tier I (N)–one-sided CRAC deployment: C2F = 13
• Tier II-IV (N+1)–two-sided CRAC deployment: C2F = 11.4
• Tier II-IV (N+2 and above)–two-sided CRAC deployment: C2F = 9.8
The noteworthy finding is that the highest C2F in all 18-modeled variations was for high-density implementation and at a CRAC-to-cabinet (C2C) area ratio of 0.46 (i.e., CRACs occupy 32% of the entire space) and a cabinet footprint of 2.3 m2 per cabinet. This is supporting evidence that, although high-density cabinets would require more cooling footprint, high density is the most efficient space utilization per kW of IT.
Example 3 illustrates how the highest C2F on a given CRAC redundancy and one- or two-sided layout may be utilized for sizing the footprint and capacity within an average-sized 186-m2 data center hall for a Tier II-IV (N+2, C2F=9.8, C2C=0.5, and cabinet footprint of 2.3 m2) deployment. The space is divided into a net 124-m2 data hall for cabinets, and 62 m2 of space for CRAC units by utilizing the resulting ideal C2C of 0.46.
Example 3: If a net 124-m2 data hall for cabinets and 62 m2 of space for CRAC units is available, the highest achievable capacity would be 4.5 kW/cabinet.
9.8= 4.5 kW/cabinet/59 m2 : 127 m2 (6)
To determine the number of cabinets and CRACs, the CRAC cooling capability will be used rather than the common method of dividing the area by cabinet footprint.
The total area occupied by a CRAC is 14 m2; hence approximately four CRACs would occupy the 59-m2 space. Two CRACs are duty, since N+2 is utilized; therefore, the available capacity would be 90 kW x 2 = 180 kW. The number of cabinets that could then be installed in this 186-m2 total area would be 180/4.5 = 40 cabinets.
The total effective space used by the 40 cabinets is 92 m2 (40 x 2.3 m2 ) that is 72% of the available cabinet dedicated area. This shows that higher redundancy may be resilient but does not fully utilize the space efficiently. This argument highlights the importance of the debate between resilience and space utilization.
Example 4 illustrates how C2F may be utilized for sizing the footprint and capacity within the same data center hall but at a lower redundancy of N+1 configuration.
Example 4: By applying the same methodology, the highest achievable capacity would be 5.2 kW/cabinet.
11.4= (7)
The total area occupied by a CRAC is 14 m2 (including CRAC throw and maintenance); hence approximately four CRACs would occupy 59 m2 of space. Three CRACs would be on duty, since N+1 is utilized; therefore, the available capacity would be 90 kW x 3 = 270 kW. The number of cabinets that could then be installed in this 186-m2 total area would be 270/5.2 = 52 cabinets.
The total effective space used by the 52 cabinets is 120 m2 (52 x 2.3 m2 ), which is 95% of the space. The comparison of Example 3 to Example 4 shows that less redundancy provides more efficient space utilization.
Figure 9. Summary of the results
The analysis shows that taking into consideration the maximum C2F results obtained for each redundancy type and then projecting output on a given average load per cabinet, an example average high-density cabinet of 20 kW would require the CRAC units to occupy double the IT cabinet space in an N+2 configuration, hence lowering the effective use of such prime IT floor space (See Figure 9).
Additional Metrics
Additional metrics for design purposes have been derived from the illustrated graphs and resultant formulae.
The derived formula could be documented as follows:
P=K/L+M-(6.4 x R/S) (8)
P = Cooling per perimeter meter (kW/m)
K = CRAC net sensible capacity (kW)
L = CRAC length (m)
M = CRAC manufacturer side maintenance clearance (m)
R = CRAC redundancy
S = One- or two-sided CRAC layout
Approximately 50% (270 kW/180 kW) more capacity, 30% more cabinets, and 16% higher-cabinet load density could be utilized in the same space with only one redundant CRAC and may still fulfill Tier II-IV component redundancy requirements. This is achievable at no additional investment cost as the same number of CRACs (4) is installed within the same available footprint of 2,000 ft2. The analysis also showed that the highest average practical load per cabinet should not exceed 6 kW if efficient space utilization is sought by maintaining a C2C of 0.46.
This study shows that an average high-density cabinet load may not be cooled efficiently with the use of only CRACs or even with CRACs coupled with passive heat-extraction solutions. The data supports the necessary implementation of row- and cabinet-based active cooling for high-density data center applications.
The first supercomputers used cooling water; however, the low-density data centers that were commissioned closer to a decade ago (below 2 kW per cabinet) almost totally eliminated liquid cooling. This was due to reservations about the risks of water leakage within live, critical data centers.
Data centers of today are considered to be medium-density facilities. Some of these data centers average below 4 kW per cabinet. Owners and operators that have higher demands and are ahead of the average market typically dedicate only a portion of the data center space to high-density cabinets.
With server density increasing every day and high-density cabinets (approaching 40 kW and above) becoming a potential future deployment, data centers seem likely to experience soaring heat loads that will demand comprehensive liquid-cooling infrastructures.
With future high-density requirements, CRAC units may become secondary cooling support or even more drastically, CRAC units may become obsolete!
Appendix A
Appendix A1. One-sided CRAC, maximum-throw, maximum-packed cabinets
Appendix A2. One-sided CRAC, average-throw, medium cabinets
Appendix A3. One-sided CRAC, minimum-throw, high-density cabinets
Appendix A4. Two-sided CRAC, maximum-throw, maximum-packed cabinets.
Appendix A5. Two-sided CRAC, average-throw, medium packed cabinets
Appendix A6. Two-sided CRAC, minimum-throw, high density cabinets
Appendix B
Appendix B1. Tier I (N) CRAC modeling results
Note 1: HD = High Density
Note 2: MP = Max Packed
Note 3: * = CRAC Area includes maintenance and throw buffer
Note 4:^ = 27 m2 area is deducted from total area, as it is already included in the throw buffer
Appendix B2. Tier II-IV (N+1) CRAC modeling results
Note 1: HD = High Density
Note 2: MP = Max Packed
Note 3: * = CRAC Area includes maintenance and throw buffer
Note 4: ^ = 27 m2 area is deducted from total area, as it is already included in the throw buffer
Appendix B3. Tier II-IV (N+1) CRAC modeling results
Appendix C
Liebert CRAC Technical Specification
Note: Net sensible cooling will be reduced by 7.5 kW x 3 = 22.5 kW for fans; 68.7 kW for Model DH/VH380A
Dr Hussein Shehata, BA, PhD, CEng, PGDip, MASHRAE, MIET, MCIBSE, is the technical director, EMEA, Uptime Institute Professional Services (UIPS). Dr Shehata is a U.K. Chartered Engineer who joined Uptime Institute Professional Services in 2011. He is based in Dubai, serving the EMEA region. From 2008-2011, Hussein was vice president & AsiaPacific DC Engineering, Architecture & Strategy Head at JP Morgan in Japan. Prior to that, he co-founded, managed, and operated as a subject matter expert (SME) at PTS Consulting Japan. He graduated in Architecture, followed by a PhD in HVAC, and a diploma in Higher Education that focused on multi-discipline teaching, with a focus on Engineers and Architects.
Cogeneration powers South Africa’s first Tier III Certified data center
/in Design/by Kevin HeslinMTN’s new facility makes use of Kyoto Wheel
By Olu Soluade, Robin Sloan, Willem Weber, and Philip Young
Figure 1. MTN Centurion Site
MTN’s new data center in Centurion, Johannesburg, South Africa, includes a 500-square-meter (m2) space to support MTN’s existing Pretoria Switch. MTN provides cellular telecommunications services, hosted data space, and operations offices via a network of regional switches. The Centurion Switch data center is a specialist regional center serving a portion of the smallest but most densely populated province of South Africa, Gauteng. The operational Centurion Switch Data Center provides energy efficient and innovative service to the MTN regional network (See Figure 1).
As part of the project, MTN earned Uptime Institute Tier III Design and Facility Certifications and the Carbon Credit application and approval by the Department of Energy-South Africa. Among other measures, MTN even deployed Novec 1230 fire-suppression gas to gain carbon credits from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). MTN Centurion is the first Uptime Institute Tier III Certified Design and Facility in South Africa. In addition, the facility became the first in South Africa to make use of the Kyoto Wheel to help it achieve its low PUE and energy-efficiency operations goals.
A modular design accommodates the 500-m2 white space and provides auxiliary services and functions to ensure a data center that meets MTN’s standards and specifications.
Space was also allocated for the future installation of:
Electrical Services
The building is divided into 250 m2 of transmission space and 250 m2 of data space. Both spaces were designed to the following specifications.
Figure 2. External chiller plant
Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning
A specific client requirement was to build a facility that is completely off grid. As a result the design team conducted extensive research and investigated various types of refrigeration plants to determine which system would be the most efficient and cost effective.
The final technologies for the main areas include (see Figures 2-5):
The design for the data center facility began as a Tier IV facility, but the requirement for autonomous control caused management to target Tier III instead. However, the final plans incorporate many features that might be found in a Fault Tolerant facility.
Tables 1 and 2 describe the facility’s electrical load in great detail.
Green Technologies
Figure 3. Stainless steel cladded chilled water pipework.
The horizontal mounting of the coil of the Kyoto Wheel (See Figure 5 a-b) at MTN Centurion is a one of a kind. The company paid strict attention to installation details and dedicated great effort to the seamless architectural integration of the technology.
MTN chose the Kyoto Wheel (enthalpy wheel) to transfer energy between hot indoor returning air from the data center and outdoor air because the indirect heat exchange between hot return air and cooler outdoor air offers:
Figure 4. Ducted return air from cabinets in data space
Although the use of an enthalpy wheel in South Africa is rare (MTN Centurion is one of two installations known to the author), Southern African temperature conditions are very well suited to the use of air-side economizers. Nonetheless the technology has not been widely accepted in South Africa because of:
The tri-generation plant is one of the other green measures for the Centurion Switch. The tri-generation meets the base load of the switch.
Figure 5a. Kyoto Wheel installation
Figure 5b. Kyoto Wheel installation
MTN first employed a tri-generation plant at its head office of about four years ago (see Figures 6-8).
The data center also incorporates low-power, high-efficiency lighting, which is controlled by occupancy sensors and photosensors (see Figure 9).
Design Challenges
Table 1. Phase 1 Building 950 W/data cabinet and 1,950 W/switch rack at 12 cabinets/row 600-kW maximum per floor
MTN Centurion Switch experienced several challenges during design and construction and ultimately applied solutions that can be used on future projects:
Table 2. Phase 1 Building SF – 2,050 W/data cabinet at 12 cabinets/row, 800 kW maximum per floor
The design team also identified three steps to encourage further use of airside economizers in South Africa:
Many features incorporated in the MTN facility are tried-and-true data center solutions. However, in addition to the enthalpy wheel, MTN employed modularity and distributed PDU technology for the first time in this project.
In addition, the Kyoto Wheel is used throughout HVAC design, but rarely at this scale and in this configuration. The use of this system, in this application, and the addition of the chilled water coils and water spray were the first within the MTN network and the first in South Africa.
MTN tirelessly pursues energy efficiency and innovation in all its data center designs. The MTN Centurion site is the first Tier III Certified Constructed Facility in South Africa and the first for MTN.
The future provision for tri-generation, photovoltaic, and wind installations are all items that promise to increase the sustainability of this facility.
Figure 6. Tri-generation plant room at MTN Head Office
Figure 7. Tri-generation gas engines at MTN Head Office
Figure 8. Tri-generation schematics at MTN Head Office
Figure 10. Data rack installation
Figure 11. Power control panels
Figure 12. External chilled water plant equipment
Olu Soluade started AOS Consulting Engineers in 2008. He holds a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering and a BSc. Hons. degree with Second Class upper in Mechanical Engineering. He is a professional engineer and professional construction project manager with 21 years of experience in the profession.
Robin Sloan is Building Services Manager at AOS Consulting Engineers. He is a mechanical engineer with 7 years of experience In education, healthcare, commercial, residential, retail and transportation building projects. His core competencies include project management, design works of railway infrastructure, education, commercial, and health-care projects from concept through to hand-over, HVAC systems, mechanical and natural ventilation, drainage, pipework services (gas, water and compressed air), control systems, and thermal modelling software.
Willem Weber is Senior Manager: Technical Infrastructure for MTN South Africa, the largest cellular operator in Africa. Mr. Weber was responsible for the initiation and development of the first methane tri-generation plant in South Africa, the first CSP cooling system using the Fresnel technology, the first Tier III Design and Constructed Facility certified by Uptime Institute in South Africa, utilizing the thermal energy wheel technology for cooling and tri-generation.
Philip Young is Building Services Manager at AOS Consulting Engineers and a professional electronic and mechanical engineer registered with ECSA (P Eng) with 10 years experience. Previously he was a project manager & engineer at WSP Group Africa (Pty) Ltd. Mr. Young is involved in design, feasibility studies, multidisciplinary technical and financial evaluations, Building Management Systems, and renewable energy.
Russia’s First Tier IV Certification of Design Documents
/in Design/by Kevin HeslinNext Step: Preparing for Facility Certification
By Alexey Karpov
Mordovia Republic-Technopark Mordovia Data Center (Technopark Data Center) is one of the most significant projects in Mordovia (see Figure 1). The facility is a mini-city that includes research organizations, industry facilities, business centers, exhibition centers, schools, a residential village, and service facilities. One of the key parts of the project is a data center intended to provide information, computing, and telecommunication services and resources to residents of Technopark-Mordovia, public authorities, business enterprises of the region, and the country as a whole. The data processing complex will accommodate institutions primarily engaged in software development, as well as companies whose activities are connected with the information environment and the creation of information resources and databases using modern technologies.
Figure 1. Map of Mordovia
The data center offers colocation and hosting services, hardware maintenance, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) through a terminal access via open and secure channels, and access to Groupware software based on a SaaS model. As a result, Technopark Data Center will minimize the residents’ costs to conduct research, manage general construction and design projects, and interact with consumers in the early stages of production through outsourcing of information and telecommunication functions and collective use of expensive software and hardware complexes. Mordovia created and helped fund the project to help enterprises develop and promote innovative products and technologies. About 30 leading science and technology centers cooperate with Technopark-Mordovia, conduct research, and introduce into production new and innovative technologies, products, and materials because of the support of the Technopark Data Center (see Figure 2).
Figures 2 (a-b) Above. Renderings of the Technopark Data Center show both elevated and street-level views.
Why Design Certification?
Technopark Data Center is the largest and most powerful computing center in Mordovia. Its designers understood that the facility would eventually serve many of the government’s most significant social programs. In addition, the data center would also be used to test and run Electronic Government programs, which are currently in development. According to Alexey Romanov, Director of Gosinform, the state operator of Technopark-Mordovia, “Our plan is to attract several groups of developers to become residents. They will use the computing center as a testing ground for developing programs such as Safe City, medical services for citizens, etc. Therefore, we are obliged to provide the doctors with round the clock online access to clinical records, as well as provide the traffic police with the same access level to the management programs of the transport network in the region.”
To meet these requirements, Technoserv followed the provisions of Uptime Institute requirements for engineering infrastructure (Data Center Site Infrastructure Tier Standard: Topology). As a result, all engineering systems are designed to fully meet requirements for Uptime Institute Tier IV Certification of Design Documents for redundancy, physical separation, and maintenance of equipment and distribution lines (see Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3. One-line diagram shows Technopark Data Center’s redundant power paths.
Figure 4. Technopark Data Center’s processing area.
Meeting these requirements enables Mordovia to achieve significant savings, as the Technopark Data Center makes possible an overall data center plan that makes use of lower reliability regional centers. Though not Tier Certified by the Uptime Institute, these regional data centers are built to follow redundant components requirements, which reduces capital costs. Meanwhile, the central data center provides backup in case one of the regional data centers experiences downtime.
The Technopark Data Center is the core of all IT services in Mordovia. The regional data centers are like “access terminals” in this environment, so the government reasoned that it was not necessary to build them to meet high reliability requirements.
The Data Center Specification
The Technopark Data Center is a 1,900-kW facility that can house about 110 racks, with average consumption of 8-9 kW per rack. Power is supplied from four independent sources: two independent feeds from the city’s electricity system and diesel generator sets with 2N redundancy.
Main characteristics:
(See Table 1)
The data center building is a multi-story structure. Servers occupy the first floor: computing resources are placed in three areas, and various types of IT equipment (basic computing, telecommunications, and storage systems) are placed in different rooms. The administrative block and call-center are on the second floor.
Chillers, pumping stations, chilled water storage tanks, and UPS batteries, etc. are located in the basement and technical floors. Transformers and diesel generators are located in a separate area adjoining the data center. Diesel fuel tanks are located in two deepened areas at opposite sides of the building.
The data center design includes several energy-saving technologies, which enables the facility to be very energy efficient by Russian standards (PUE <1.45). For example, the cooling system includes a free-cooling mode, and all power and cooling equipment operate in modes intended to provide maximum efficiency. Other energy efficiency details include:
Table 1. The Technopark Data Center is designed to be Fault Tolerant. Plans are being made to begin the Tier Certification for Constructed Facility.
From a security standpoint, the data center is organized into three access levels:
Three independent fiberoptic lines, each having a capacity of 10 Gbits per second, ensure uninterrupted and high capacity data transmission to users of Technopark Data Center’s network infrastructure. Russia’s key backbone operators (Rostelecom, Transtelekom, and Megaphone) were selected as Technopark Data Center’s telecom partners because of their well-connected and powerful infrastructure in Russia.
The data center also includes a monitoring and dispatching system. The system is based on three software products: EMC Ionix (monitoring the availability of all components of the IT infrastructure), EMC APG (accumulation of statistics and performance analysis), VMware vCenter Operations Enterprise (intelligent performance monitoring and capacity of objects the virtual environments VMware), and integration modules specially designed by Technoserv.
Figure 5. Inside a data hall.
As noted previously, the data center was designed to achieve the highest levels of reliability. There are some data centers in Russia that perform critical national tasks, but none of those facilities require the highest levels of reliability. This reality made the task seem more daunting to everyone who worked on it. Technoserv had to do something that had never been done in Russia and do so in a limited time. Technoserv managed to accomplish this feat in less than two years.
During the Uptime Institute’s Design Certification process, Technoserv stayed in close contact with Uptime Institute subject matter experts. As a result, Technoserv was able to develop solutions as problems emerged. The company is also proud of the qualifications of Technoserv specialists, who have extensive experience in designing and building data centers and who provided the basis for the successful completion of this project.
The technical challenge was also significant. Meeting Tier IV Design Documents requirements can require a large number of redundant elements, the close relationship of mechanical and electrical systems, and testing to demonstrate that emergencies can be addressed without human intervention or damage to IT equipment.
It was necessary to account for all developments in the space and then properly develop BMS hardware that would meet these potential challenges. In addition, the automation system should also work with no loss of functionality in the event of a fault of the BMS system. Design and implementation of algorithms for the BMS demanded involvement of the automation division of Technoserv and almost 6 months of hard work.
It was important to limit the noise from the engineering equipment, as the data center is located in a residential area. Noise insulation measures required examination of the normative and regulatory documents. Knowledge of local codes was key!
Lessons Learned
Technoserv also learned again that there no minor details in a high-tech data center. For example, a topcoat applied to the floor during construction caused the floor to oxidize actively. Only after numerous measurements and testing did Technoserv find that the additive in the coating composition had entered into an electrochemical reaction with the metal supports that formed sulfuric acid and caused an electric potential on the racks of the raised floor.
The data center is currently operational. Technoserv plans to complete the Tier IV Certification of Constructed Facility process.
Alexey Karpov is head of the Data Center Construction Department at Technoserv. Having more than 10 years experience in designing and building data centers, Mr. Karpov is an Accredited Tier Designer, Certified Data Centre Design Professional, and Certified Data Centre Management Professional. VTB Bank, recognized as the largest infrastructure project in Russia in 2010, and the data center for Bashneft are two large-scale projects completed under his guidance. Technoserv, Russia’s largest system integrator, was founded in 1992.Technoserve installs, develops, and outsources IT infrastructure and develops communications, engineering, and information security systems as well as power systems and application platforms. According to RA Expert, a leading Russian analytical agency, Technoserv is a leader in providing IT services in Russia. Business volumes confirm the company’s leadership in the Russian IT market; total revenues for the entire Technoserv group of companies exceeded 43 billion rubles in fiscal year 2012.
Executive Perspectives on the Colocation and Wholesale Markets
/in Executive/by Kevin HeslinAn interview with CenturyLink’s David Meredith and Drew Leonard
By Matt Stansberry
Through our survey data and interactions with global Network members, Uptime Institute has noted large enterprise companies that have gone from running their own data centers exclusively to augmenting with some form of outsourced infrastructure. Does this match your experience? Do you see large enterprises extending their data centers into third-party sites that might not have been doing it three to five years ago.
David Meredith: Absolutely, we definitely see that trend. There is a migration path for enterprises, and it starts with making the decision to move to colocation. Over time, we see these companies develop roadmaps where they look to move to more automation and a consumption-based approach to workload management; we call it the stairway to the cloud. It is a hybrid approach where enterprises may have some colocation, some managed services, some public cloud, and some private cloud.
What do you think is driving this data center outsourcing trend?
David Meredith: There has never been a better time to grow a business, to exercise entrepreneurship at a grand or small scale, because everything needed to enable a growing business is available as-a-service. So you can focus on what makes a winner in your space and core competencies, and then outsource everything else that’s not core to your specific business. Infrastructure supported by the data center extends that concept.
Companies need agility, the ability to scale more quickly, to put capital to the highest and best use.
The data center business continues to require more sophistication as it relates to cooling, energy efficiency, change management, certifications, and standards. Enterprises don’t need to be expert on how to run and operate a data center because that distracts from being the best in the world at their core products and services. That’s a full-time job in and of itself, so it makes sense that data center-as-a-service continues to grow at a double-digit rate.
Drew Leonard: Today, if you look at IT budgets, they’re typically not growing. But the IT department, the CIOs and CTOs, they’re all expected to be more nimble and to play a bigger part in the growth of the company, not just figuring out how to reduce cost. So, outsourcing the colocation and other components allows them to be more nimble. But, it also gives them quicker speed to market and extends their geographic reach and ability to get into multiple markets.
If you’re going to manage and maintain your own data center—if you’re going to keep it up to the specs of where the commercial data centers are today—there’s a lot of training and maintenance that goes into that.
Do you see regional differences in how data center services are procured around the globe?
David Meredith: Yes, we do see cultural differences. One of the things we’re driving now is having a much wider range of flexibility on the densities we are able to accommodate. In Asia, customers are still looking for lower density solutions, whereas in North America, we have more demand for very high density solutions.
Drew Leonard: Carrier density and diversity are much more common in North America, and it’s becoming more mature in Europe. I’d say it’s different in Asia because of the regulated environment with regards to telcos. There are simple things, like David said, that’s very true; the densities in Asia right now are still a little bit lower as people move out of their existing data centers which traditionally are a lot lower density than the new commercial-grade type of colocation facilities.
When we speak with enterprise operations staff, they are tasked with either procuring colocation services or managing a data center remotely through a third party; they have had to do a lot of on-the-job training. Many have never been in this position before and do not have a lot of experience around the procurement side or third-party vendor management. What are the skill sets people try to develop to shift to a broker/manager of these kinds of services?
David Meredith: Financial modeling is important in understanding the true total cost of ownership (TCO), as well as understanding what exactly you’re getting. Not all data centers are created equal, and sometimes it’s hard for buyers to discern the quality level that went into one building versus another building. What are the points of differentiation there?
Also, what are going to be the incremental costs from a TCO perspective if you go with a cheaper solution? Digging down to that next level is pretty important. For example, how much distribution is included in your price quote and what are the non-recurring charges associated with the service?
Drew Leonard: Some customers are making decisions based purely on price and not looking at the historical background of the companies. Enterprises should look at the overall performance over a period of time and look back at that historical representation over a variety of different situations and circumstances. Are those providers maintaining all of their facilities to 100% uptime?
David Meredith: Building on that, don’t just look at the facility itself. You really have to look at the people and the processes that are managing the facilities. If there is a problem, it often comes down to human error. You want to have a provider with a very robust set of repeatable processes that meet or extend industry standards. Industries like financial services, health care, or government are attuned to this process. What will keep that data center up 100% of the time is having very good change management processes, so someone doesn’t make a mistake or cause a problem. You have to ask: What is the experience level of the people that are running the data center, what are the processes they’re following? That can be almost as important, if not more so, than evaluating the facility itself.
This seems like a decent segue to discuss your organization’s commitment to Tier Certification. Why is CenturyLink pursuing Tier Certification, and how is Certification impacting your conversations with customers?
CenturyLink executives (left to right) Joel Stone, Drew Leonard, and Ash Mathur accept the plaque for CenturyLink’s new Tier III Certified Facility in Toronto from Uptime Institute Chief Operating Officer Julian Kudritzki.
David Meredith: CenturyLink invests heavily in our data center capabilities, and we’ve made a decision in terms of our positioning in the marketplace to be on the higher end of the quality spectrum. Also, CenturyLink is a big contractor to the government. We have a very significant financial services practice. So, standards are important, quality is critical, and we believe that the Tier Certification process is a way to clearly reflect a commitment to that quality.
We’re making the investments, so we think Tier Certification is a great fit for what we’re already doing. We have 100% uptime SLAs, and we put the resources behind that to make it something we can really stand behind.
Drew Leonard: I see more and more in RFPs—companies don’t want a facility that’s just Concurrently Maintainable. Customers are starting to look for official Tier III Certification. So, Tier Certification is increasingly important to the customers that are coming to us and the opportunities to even be considered as a data center provider for large enterprise companies. Having the Tier Certification foil is extremely important.
We’re making that commitment.
For us, it’s just the next step. We don’t want to have to explain ourselves. We want to be able to say that we are Uptime Institute Tier III Certified at the Design and Constructed Facility levels and that we’re executing on that plan. Then, our operations teams back it up with the day-to-day processes that they put in place to keep our facilities running.
What are some of the common mistakes enterprises get into when they first start entering these colocation relationships?
David Meredith: We’re seeing people focus on one number for cost. Then they’re paying more overall because they’ve only focused on one metric. Companies are pushing their price per kilowatt lower, but then they’re charging all sorts of add-on fees and other charges on top. You have to look at the entire cost and look at exactly what you’re getting when you’re comparing to make sure you’re getting an apples-to-apples comparison across the options, both in terms of all costs as well as exactly what you’re getting for what you’re spending. CenturyLink provides transparent pricing, and we don’t like to nickel and dime our customers. We tend to package more into the base package than our competitors.
Drew Leonard: Migration is always a key piece and adding services, turnover of equipment, or refresh. There is also staffing growth. Companies have a very hard time predicting their growth and having a scalable growth plan. When enterprises look at the future, they’re not able to clearly predict that path of growth. Follow-on costs may get overlooked in a long-term view when they’re trying to make this short-term decision.
Do you see any resource efficiency implications in this outsourcing trend?
David Meredith: For the enterprise, one analogy relates to energy efficiency for automobiles. You can buy a highly efficient vehicle, but if you’re slamming on the gas pedal and slamming on the brakes, that’s not a very fuel efficient way to drive and operate the car.
CenturyLink is focused on efficiency every day—we’re trying to figure out how to squeeze that next improvement in efficiency out of the data center in terms of power usage and operating efficiency.
To extend the automobile analogy, if you really want to be energy efficient, you can carpool to get to work each day. Similarly, when you start to migrate services to the cloud, essentially you’re carpooling in the data center. You want to have a colocation provider with a flexible set of product offerings that can move into the cloud when needed. It’s great to have contractual flexibility to shift your spend from colocation to cloud over time and do it all in the same footprint.
Do customers demand transparency on energy usage and resource efficiency from your data centers? If so, how do you meet those demands, and how does CenturyLink compare to other colocation organizations in this regard?
Drew Leonard: Yes, CenturyLink customers tend to be very sophisticated consumers of data center services. For example, we have a large financial services practice, and many of these customers like to be informed on the
bleeding-edge developments in terms of data center efficiency. CenturyLink works with customers to audit what they are doing and suggest improvements based on their specific requirements. We offer an option for metered pricing. Our recently announced modular data center deployments and IO.OS software from the IO partnership can be a differentiator for customers. Our engineering teams have been utilizing a variety of approaches to improve energy efficiency across our 57 data center footprint with positive results.
Where do you see the marketplace going in three years?
David Meredith: Each year, we see more colocation purchases from the service provider segment or what I call “X-as-a-Service” companies. Many of these companies are born in the cloud, and they need data center space to enable the end service that they provide for the enterprise. We invite and welcome service providers into our data centers as colocation customers because they help to strengthen our ecosystems and provide services that are just a cross-connect away from our enterprise customers.
We encourage our enterprise customers to be informed purchasers of managed services and to ask the right questions to understand what data centers are underpinning the managed solutions that they buy.
Drew Leonard: That’s right; we even launched a service called ClientConnect which acts like a dating service to help our thousands of customers more easily connect with service providers in our data center ecosystems.
Matt Stansberry
Matt Stansberry is director of Content and Publications for the Uptime Institute and also serves as program director for the Uptime Institute Symposium, an annual spring event that brings together 1,500 stakeholders in enterprise IT, data center facilities, and corporate real estate to deal with the critical issues surrounding enterprise computing. He was formerly editorial director for Tech Target’s Data Center and Virtualization media group, and was managing editor of Today’s Facility Manager magazine. He has reported on the convergence of IT and Facilities for more than a decade.
David Meredith
As senior vice president and global general manager at CenturyLink Technology Solutions, David Meredith oversees 57 data centers and related services across North America, Europe, and Asia. Mr. Meredith’s team manages the ongoing expansion of the CenturyLink data center footprint, which involves several new buildout projects at any given time. Mr. Meredith’s global Operations and Facilities teams include several hundred members with over 15 years average data center experience and many certifications, which help them manage to a 100% uptime service level agreement (SLA) standard.
The data center teams also support the CenturyLink Cloud Platform and a large managed services customer base. From the sales perspective, the team has recently added a new global vice president of Sales from another large colocation provider and is actively on-boarding new colocation channel partners as well as launching a new real estate broker relations team to help drive sales.
Drew Leonard
Drew Leonard has more than 18 years in the telecom and data center industry. As vice president of Colocation Product Management for CenturyLink, Mr. Leonard is responsible for enhancing colocation services, growing the business through new client and market opportunities, and ensuring that customers receive the most current and cost effective solutions. Prior to joining CenturyLink, he was director of Product Marketing at Switch and Data Facilities, and director of Marketing at PAIX. As a seasoned product and marketing executive for these data center and Internet exchange providers, Mr. Leonard’s primary focus was developing detailed strategic marketing plans leveraging market and revenue opportunity through market sizing. Mr. Leonard has continued to specialize in market sizing, market share analysis, strategic planning, market-based pricing, product development, channel marketing, and sales development. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California
A Holistic Approach to Reducing Cost and Resource Consumption
/in Executive/by Kevin HeslinData center operators need to move beyond PUE and address the underlying factors driving poor IT efficiency.
By Matt Stansberry and Julian Kudritzki, with Scott Killian
Since the early 2000s, when the public and IT practitioners began to understand the financial and environmental repercussions of IT resource consumption, the data center industry has focused obsessively and successfully on improving the efficiency of data center facility infrastructure. Unfortunately, we have been focused on just the tip of the iceberg – the most visible, but smallest piece of the IT efficiency opportunity.
At the second Uptime Institute Symposium in 2007, Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute stood on stage with Uptime Institute Founder Ken Brill and called on IT innovators and government agencies to improve server compute utilization, power supplies, and the efficiency of the software code itself.
But those calls to action fell on deaf ears, leaving power usage effectiveness (PUE) as the last vestige of the heady days when data center energy was top on the minds of industry executives, regulators, and legislators. PUE is an effective engineering ratio that data center facilities teams can use to capture baseline data and track the results of efficiency improvements to mechanical and electrical infrastructure. It is also useful for design teams comparing equipment or topology-level solutions. But, as industry adoption of PUE has expanded the metric is increasingly being misused as a methodology to cut costs and prove stewardship of corporate and/or environmental resources.
Figure 1. 82% of Senior Execs are tracking PUE and reporting those findings to their management. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2014
Feedback from the Uptime Institute Network around the world confirms Uptime Institute’s field experience that enterprise IT executives are overly focused on PUE. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey, conducted January-April 2014, the vast majority of IT executives (82%) tracks PUE and reports that metric to their corporate management. By focusing on PUE, IT executives are spending effort and capital for diminishing returns and ignoring the underlying drivers of poor IT efficiency.
For nearly a decade, Uptime Institute has recommended that enterprise IT executives take a holistic approach to significantly reducing the cost and resource consumption of compute infrastructure.
Ken Brill identified the following as the primary culprits of poor IT efficiency as early as 2007:
Perhaps the industry was not ready to hear this governance message and the economics did not motivate broad response. Additionally, the furious pace at which data centers were being built distracted from the ongoing cost of IT service delivery. Since then, operational costs have continued to escalate as a result of insufficient attention being paid to the true cost of operations.
Rising energy, equipment, and construction costs and increased government scrutiny are compelling a mature management model that identifies and rewards improvements to the most glaring IT inefficiencies. At the same time, the primary challenges facing IT organizations are unchanged from almost 10 years ago. Select leading enterprises have taken it upon themselves to address these challenges. But the industry lacks a coherent mode and method that can be shared and adopted for full benefit of the industry.
A solution developed by and for the IT industry will be more functional and impactful than a coarse adaptation of other industries’ efficiency programs (manufacturing and mining have been suggested as potential models) or government intervention.
In this document, Uptime Institute presents a meaningful justification for unifying the disparate disciplines and efforts together, under a holistic plan, to radically reduce IT cost and resource consumption.
Multidisciplinary Approach Includes Siting, Design, IT, Procurement, Operations, and Executive Leadership
Historically, data center facilities management has driven IT energy efficiency. According to the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Industry Survey (2011-2014), less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets. This lopsided financial arrangement fosters unaccountable IT growth, inaccurate planning, and waste (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Less than 20% of companies report that their IT departments pay the data center power bill, and the vast majority of companies allocate this cost to the facilities or real estate budgets. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2012
The key to success for enterprises pursuing IT efficiency is to create a multidisciplinary energy management plan (owned by senior executive leadership) that includes the following:
Executive commitment to sustainable results
Effective investment in efficiency during site planning and design phase of the data center
Executive Commitment to Sustainable Results
Any IT efficiency initiative is going to be short-lived and less effective without executive authority to drive the changes across the organization. For both one-time and sustained savings, executive leadership must address the management challenges inherent in any process improvement. Many companies are unable to effectively hold IT accountable for inefficiencies because financial responsibility for energy costs lies instead with facilities management.
Uptime Institute has challenged the industry for years to restructure company financial reporting so that IT has direct responsibility for its own energy and data center costs. Unfortunately, there has been very little movement toward that kind of arrangement, and industry-wide chargeback models have been flimsy, disregarded, or nonexistent.
Figure 3. Average PUE decreased dramatically from 2007-2011, but efficiencies have been harder to find since then. Source: Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey 2014
Perhaps we’ve been approaching this issue from the wrong angle. Instead of moving the data center’s financial responsibilities over to IT, some organizations are moving the entire Facilities team and costs wholesale into a single combined department.
In one example, a global financial firm with 22 data centers across 7 time zones recently merged its Facilities team into its overall IT infrastructure and achieved the following results:
This globally integrated organization with single-point ownership and accountability established firm-wide standards for data center design and operation and deployed an advanced tool set that integrates facilities with IT.
This kind of cohesion is necessary for a firm to conduct effective cost modeling, implement tools like DCIM, and overcome cultural barriers associated with a new IT efficiency program.
Executive leadership should consider the following when launching a formal energy management program:
and chargeback implementation
for managing to business objectives
Operational Efficiency
Regardless of an organization’s data center design topology, there are substantial areas in facility and IT management where low-cost improvements will reap financial and organizational rewards. On the facilities management side, Uptime Institute has written extensively about the simple fixes that prevent bypass airflow, such as ensuring Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle layout in data centers, installing blanking panels in racks, and sealing openings in the raised floor.
Figure 4. Kaiser Permanente won a Brill Award for Efficient IT in 2014 for improving operational efficiency across its legacy facilities.
In a 2004 study, Uptime Institute reported that the cooling capacity of the units found operating in a large sample of data centers was 2.6 times what was required to meet the IT requirements—well beyond any reasonable level of redundant capacity. In addition, an average of only 40% of the cooling air supplied to the data centers studied was used for cooling IT equipment. The remaining 60% was effectively wasted capacity, required only because of mismanaged airflow.
More recent industry data shows that the average ratio of operating nameplate cooling capacity has increased from 2.6 to 3.9 times the IT requirement. Disturbingly, this trend is going in the wrong direction.
Uptime Institute has published a comprehensive, 29-step guide to data center cooling best practices to help data center managers take greater advantage of the energy savings opportunities available while providing improved cooling of IT systems: Implementing Data Center Cooling Best Practices
Health-care giant Kaiser Permanente recently deployed many of those steps across four legacy data centers in its portfolio, saving approximately US$10.5 million in electrical utility costs and averting 52,879 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Kaiser Permanente won a Brill Award for Efficient IT in 2014 for its leadership in this area (see Figure 4).
According to Uptime Institute’s 2014 survey data, a large percentage of companies are tackling the issues around inefficient cooling (see Figure 5). Unfortunately, there is not a similar level of adoption for IT operations efficiency.
Figure 5. According to Uptime Institute’s 2014 survey data, a large percentage of companies are tackling the issues around inefficient cooling.
The Sleeping Giant: Comatose IT Hardware
Wasteful, or comatose, servers hide in plain sight in even the most sophisticated IT organizations. These servers, abandoned by application owners and users but still racked and running, represent a triple threat in terms of energy waste—squandering power at the plug, wasting data center facility capacity, and incurring software licensing and hardware maintenance costs.
Uptime Institute has maintained that an estimated 15-20% of servers in data centers are obsolete, outdated, or unused, and that remains true today.
The problem is likely more widespread than previously reported. According to Uptime Institute research, only 15% of respondents believe their server populations include 10% or more comatose machines. Yet, nearly half (45%) of survey respondents have no scheduled auditing to identify and remove unused machines.
Uptime Institute launched the Server Roundup contest in October 2011 to raise awareness about the removal and recycling of comatose and obsolete IT equipment and reduce data center energy use. Uptime Institute invited companies around the globe to help address and solve this problem by participating in the Server Roundup.
The financial firm Barclays removed nearly 10,000 servers in 2013, which directly consumed an estimated 2.5 megawatts (MW) of power. Left on the wire, the power bill would be approximately US$4.5 million higher than it is today. Installed together, these servers would fill up 588 server racks. Barclays also saved approximately US$1.3 million on legacy hardware maintenance costs, reduced the firm’s carbon footprint, and freed up more than 20,000 network ports and 3,000 SAN ports due to this initiative (see Figure 6).
Barclays was a Server Roundup winner in 2012 as well, removing 5,515 obsolete servers, with power savings of 3 MW, and US$3.4 million annualized savings for power, and a further US$800,000 savings in hardware maintenance.
Figure 6. The Server Roundup sheds light on a serious topic in a humorous way. Barclays saved over $US10 million in two years of dedicated server decommissioning.
In two years, Barclays has removed nearly 15,000 servers and saved over US$10 million. Server Roundup overwhelmingly proves that disciplined hardware decommissioning can provide a significant financial impact. Yet, despite these huge savings and intangible benefits to the overall IT organization, many firms are not applying the same level of diligence and discipline to a server decommissioning plan, as noted previously.
This is the crux of the data center efficiency challenge ahead—convincing more organization of the massive return on investment in addressing IT instead of relentlessly pursuing physical infrastructure efficiency.
Organizations need to hold IT operations teams accountable to root out inefficiencies, of which comatose servers are only the most egregious example.
Other systemic IT inefficiencies include:
But, in order to address any of these systemic problems, companies need to secure a commitment from executive leadership by taking a more activist role than previously assumed.
Resource Efficiency in the Design Phase
Some progress has been made, as the majority of current data center designs are now being engineered toward systems efficiency. By contrast, enterprises around the globe operate legacy data centers, and these existing sites by far present the biggest opportunity for improvement and financial return on efficiency investment.
That said, IT organizations should apply the following guidelines to resource efficiency in the design phase:
Take a phased approach, rather than building out vast expanses of white space at once and running rooms for years with very little IT gear. Find a way to shrink the capital project cycle; create a repeatable, scalable model.
Implement an operations strategy in the pre-design, design, and construction phases to improve operating performance. (See Start with the End in Mind)
Define operating conditions that approach the limits of IT equipment thermal guidelines and exploit ambient conditions to reduce cooling load.
Data center owners should pursue resource efficiency in all capital projects, within the constraints of their business demands. The vast majority of companies will not be able to achieve the ultra-low PUEs of web-scale data center operators. Nor should they sacrifice business resiliency or cost effectiveness in pursuit of those kinds of designs—given that the opportunities to achieve energy and cost savings in the operations (rather than through design) are massive.
The lesson often overlooked when evaluating web-scale data centers is that IT in these organizations is closely aligned with the power and cooling topology. The web-scale companies have an IT architecture that allows low equipment-level redundancy and a homogeneous IT environment conducive to custom, highly utilized servers. These efficiency opportunities are not available to many enterprises. However, most enterprises can emulate, if not the actual design, then the concept of designing to match the IT need. Approaches include phasing, varied Tier data centers (e.g., test and development and low-criticality functions can live in Tier I and II rooms; while business-critical activity is in Tier III and IV rooms), and increased asset utilization.
Senior executives understand the importance of reporting and influencing IT energy efficiency, and yet they are currently using inappropriate tools and metrics for the job. The misguided focus on infrastructure masks, and distracts them from addressing, the real systemic inefficiencies in most enterprise organizations.
The data center design community should be proud of its accomplishments in improving power and cooling infrastructure efficiency, yet the biggest opportunities and savings can only be achieved with an integrated and multi-disciplined operations and management team. Any forthcoming gains in efficiency will depend on documenting data center cost and performance, communicating that data in business terms to finance and other senior management within the company, and getting the hardware and software disciplines to take up the mantle of pursuing efficient IT on a holistic basis.
There is increasing pressure for the data center industry to address efficiency in a systematic manner, as more government entities and municipalities are contemplating green IT and energy mandates.
In the 1930s, the movie industry neutralized a patchwork of onerous state and local censorship efforts (and averted the threat of federal action) by developing and adopting its own set of rules: the Motion Picture Production Code. These rules, often called the Hays Code, evolved into the MPAA film ratings system used today, a form of voluntary self-governance that has helped the industry to successfully avoid regulatory interference for decades.
Uptime Institute will continue to produce research, guidelines, and assessment models to assist the industry in self-governance and continuous improvement. Uptime Institute will soon release supplemental papers on relevant topics such as effective reporting and chargebacks.
Additional Resources
Implementing data center cooling best practices
Server Decommissioning as a Discipline
2014 Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey Results
Start With the End in Mind
Putting DCIM to work for you
The High Cost of Chasing Lower PUEs
In 2007, Uptime Institute surveyed its Network members (a user group of large data center owners and operators), and found an average PUE of 2.5. The average PUE improved from 2.50 in 2007 to 1.89 in 2011 in Uptime Institute’s data center industry survey.
So how did the industry make those initial improvements?
A lot of these efforts were simple fixes that prevented bypass airflow, such as ensuring Cold Aisle/Hot Aisle arrangement in data centers, installing blanking panels in racks, and sealing cutouts. Many facilities teams appear to have done what they can to improve existing data center efficiency, short of making huge capital improvements.
From 2011 to today, the average self-reported PUE has only improved from 1.89 to 1.70. The biggest infrastructure efficiency gains happened 5 years ago, and further improvements will require significant investment and effort, with increasingly diminishing returns.
In a 2010 interview, Christian Belady, architect of the PUE metric, said, “The job is never done, but if you focus on improving in one area very long you’ll start to get diminishing returns. You have to be conscious of the cost pie, always be conscious of where the bulk of the costs are.”
But executives are pressuring for more. Further investments in technologies and design approaches may provide negative financial payback and zero improvement of the systemic IT efficiency problems.
What Happens If Nothing Happens?
In some regions, energy costs are predicted to increase by 40% by 2020. Most organizations cannot afford such a dramatic increase to the largest operating cost of the data center.
For finance, information services, and other industries, IT is the largest energy consumer in the company. Corporate sustainability teams have achieved meaningful gains in other parts of the company but seek a meaningful way to approach IT.
China is considering a government categorization of data centers based upon physical footprint. Any resulting legislation will ignore the defining business, performance, and resource consumption characteristics of a data center.
In South Africa, the carbon tax has reshaped the data center operations cost structure for large IT operators and visibly impacted the bottom line.
Government agencies will step in to fill the void and create a formula- or metric-based system for demanding efficiency improvement, which will not take into account an enterprise’s business and operating objectives. For example, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill (HR 2126) that would mandate new energy efficiency standards in all federal data centers.
Matt Stansberry is director of Content and Publications for the Uptime Institute and also serves as program director for the Uptime Institute Symposium, an annual spring event that brings together 1,500 stakeholders in enterprise IT, data center facilities, and corporate real estate to deal with the critical issues surrounding enterprise computing. He was formerly editorial director for Tech Target’s Data Center and Virtualization media group, and was managing editor of Today’s Facility Manager magazine. He has reported on the convergence of IT and Facilities for more than a decade.
Julian Kudritzki joined the Uptime Institute in 2004 and currently serves as COO. He is responsible for the global proliferation of Uptime Institute standards. He has supported the founding of Uptime Institute offices in numerous regions, including Brasil, Russia, and North Asia. He has collaborated on the development of numerous Uptime Institute publications, education programs, and unique initiatives such as Server Roundup and FORCSS. He is based in Seattle, WA.
Scott Killian joined the Uptime Institute in 2014 and currently serves as VP for Efficient IT Program. He surveys the industry for current practices, and develops new products to facilitate industry adoption of best practices. Mr. Killian directly delivers consulting at the site management, reporting, and governance levels. He is based in Virginia.
Prior to joining Uptime Institute, Mr. Killian led AOL’s holistic resource consumption initiative, which resulted in AOL winning two Uptime Institute Server Roundups for decommissioning more than 18,000 servers and reducing operating expenses more than US$6 million. In addition, AOL received three awards in the Green Enterprise IT (GEIT) program. AOL accomplished all this in the context of a five-year plan developed by Mr. Killian to optimize data center resources, which saved ~US$17 million annually.
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