Data center operators that set net-zero goals will ultimately… Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com Dietrich, Research Director of Sustainability, Uptime Institute, jdietrich@uptimeinstitute.com2023-06-21 15:00:002023-06-20 16:56:2424×7 carbon-free energy (part one): expectations and realities
Cloud providers divide the technologies that underpin their… Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com2023-06-14 15:00:002023-06-13 17:26:33Cloud resiliency: plan to lose control of your planes
Early in 2022, Uptime Intelligence observed that the return… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2023-06-07 15:00:002023-06-06 16:14:48Server efficiency increases again — but so do the caveats
Hyperscale cloud providers have opened numerous operating regions… Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com2023-05-31 14:00:002023-05-31 09:03:56Data shows the cloud goes where the money is
Data center operators and IT tenants have traditionally adopted… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2023-05-24 15:00:002023-05-22 14:23:53Cooling to play a more active role in IT performance and efficiency
European countries narrowly avoided an energy crisis in the… Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com Smolaks, Research Analyst, msmolaks@uptimeinstitute.com2023-05-17 15:00:002023-05-16 09:41:26The effects of a failing power grid in South Africa
Data centers have become victims of their own success. Ever-larger… Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com Bizo, Research Director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, dbizo@uptimeinstitute.com2023-05-03 15:00:002023-05-02 11:33:58Energy-efficiency focus to shift to IT — at last
The past decade has seen numerous reports of so-called cloud… Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com Owen Rogers, Senior Research Director for Cloud Computing, Uptime Institute, orogers@uptimeinstitute.com2023-04-26 15:00:002023-04-25 10:08:53Asset utilization drives cloud repatriation economics
A proposed permanent network of electromagnetic monitoring stations… Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com Davis, Research Analyst, Uptime Institute, jdavis@uptimeinstitute.com2023-04-19 15:00:002023-04-18 10:29:17Forecasting the solar storm threat
24×7 carbon-free energy (part one): expectations and realities
Cloud resiliency: plan to lose control of your planes
Server efficiency increases again — but so do the caveats
Data shows the cloud goes where the money is
Cooling to play a more active role in IT performance and efficiency
The effects of a failing power grid in South Africa
US operators scour Inflation Reduction Act for incentives
Energy-efficiency focus to shift to IT — at last
Asset utilization drives cloud repatriation economics
Forecasting the solar storm threat